This is work in progress with some notes
How to use Astra with Micronaut, Spring Boot, Quarkus, Helidron with Astra, normal and native compilation
- Install a JDK and Graal VM (native images)
- Install Docker and Docker-compose (containers)
- Install Maven
- Install an IDE
- Create Account
- Create Database
- Create Token
- Create the table
CREATE TABLE todoitems (
user_id text,
item_id timeuuid,
completed boolean,
title text,
offset int,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_id), item_id)
- Some operations
INSERT INTO todoitems (user_id, item_id, completed, title) VALUES ( 'john', 11111111-5cff-11ec-be16-1fedb0dfd057, true, 'Walk the dog');
INSERT INTO todoitems (user_id, item_id, completed, title) VALUES ( 'john', 22222222-5cff-11ec-be16-1fedb0dfd057, false, 'Have lunch tomorrow');
INSERT INTO todoitems (user_id, item_id, completed, title) VALUES ( 'mary', 33333333-5cff-11ec-be16-1fedb0dfd057, true, 'Attend the workshop');
// query all items for a given user
SELECT * FROM todoitems WHERE user_id = 'john';
// mark an item as "done" (full primary key must be specified)
UPDATE todoitems SET completed = true WHERE user_id = 'john' AND item_id = 22222222-5cff-11ec-be16-1fedb0dfd057;
SELECT toTimestamp(item_id), completed, title FROM todoitems WHERE user_id = 'john';
// remove an item (full primary key must be specified)
DELETE FROM todoitems WHERE user_id='john' AND item_id=11111111-5cff-11ec-be16-1fedb0dfd057;
SELECT toTimestamp(item_id), completed, title FROM todoitems WHERE user_id = 'john';
// WARNING: this removes *all* rows (we make the table clean and ready for actual usage)
- Access the app builder
- Install SDKMAN
curl -s "" | bash
- Init SDK Man
source "/Users/cedricklunven/.sdkman/bin/"
- Install Micronaut CLI
sdk install micronaut
- Create sample Apps
mn create-app com.datastax.tutorial --build=maven --lang=java