
A simple way to get completed tasks from Things into Habitica

Primary LanguageShell


Really simple script to create to-dos in Habitica from tasks you completed in Things within the last 24 hours


  • sqlite3 - included with macOS, which you're probably using if you're interested in a script for Things
  • jo - a nifty shell command to create json in bash scripts with a clever interface because I hate wrestling json within bash. Just brew install it.


  1. Put it in your $PATH if you want to invoke it regularly or better yet, create a launch-agent to run it at the same time every day
  2. Export the HABITICA_API_USER and HABITICA_API_KEY variables with your own values or just hardcode them in the script if you're feeling lazy


  • Queries the Things sqlite database at the default location for all tasks you have completed in the last 24 hours
  • Formats a JSON request for each completed task
  • Makes a call to the Habitica API to create a to-do with the same name as the Things task, priority of Medium and a note with the date it was created.


This is super simple and I threw it together in a few minutes. I definitely plan to improve it or port it to Applescript so it's using a decent interface to Things instead of hitting the sqlite database directly (gross).
That being said, there's pretty much zero error handling, no flexibility in changing to-do priority to anything other than Medium, doesn't actually complete the task, doesn't keep track of state (ie, if you run it twice it's going to create two sets of to-do's in Habitica) etc etc.


Thanks to Alexander Willner's original Things3 script for the idea to use sqlite


Author: Ron Lipke
Date: 2017-11-25
License: I don't know, use it at your own discretion