Option1: Use the Anaconda
conda create -n UAVmatch python=3.7
conda activate UAVmatch
bash install.sh
# Install Deformable Attention CUDA
cd lib/models/stark_dual_deform/ops
sh ./make.sh
# unit test (should see all checking is True)
python test.py
Put the tracking datasets in ./data. It should look like:
-- data
-- DroneVehicle
|-- rtest
|-- rtest_hom
|-- test
|-- train
|-- val
|-- test_LT
|-- train
|-- LT_train_split.txt
|-- init_frame.npy
|-- Vehicules512
|-- Annotatiobs512
you can also modify paths by editing these two files
lib/train/admin/local.py # paths about training
lib/test/evaluation/local.py # paths about testing
Training with multiple GPUs using DDP
python tracking/train.py --script stark_dual_deformer --config baseline --save_dir /workspace --mode multiple --nproc_per_node 4
python tracking/train.py --script stark_dual_deformer --config baseline_hom --save_dir /workspace --mode multiple --nproc_per_node 4
(Optionally) Debugging training with a single GPU
python lib/train/run_training.py --script stark_dual_deformer --config baseline
python lib/train/run_training.py --script stark_dual_deformer --config baseline_hom
[Baidu Netdisk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WAYKxeJQDp_IeCW28qfpPA) code:gfkd
Weight : UAVmatch/weight.zip
Dataset : UAVmatch/rtest.zip or rtest_hom.zip
toolkit : UAVmatch/toolkit.zip
Affine transformer : weight/stark_dual_deform/match.pth.tar
Hom transformer : weight/stark_dual_deform_hom/match.pth.tar
copy to:
- DroneVehicle
lib/train/admin/local.py # Set self.Dtest_dir = '/you path.../UAVmatch/pic/DroneVehicle'
python tracking/test.py stark_dual_deformer baseline --dataset Dtest --threads 0
- DroneVehicle_pubilsh Baidu Netdisk code:gfkd
python tracking/test.py stark_dual_deformer baseline --dataset DroneVehicle_norandom --threads 4
- DroneVehicle DroneVehicle
python tracking/test.py stark_dual_deformer baseline --dataset DroneVehicle --threads 4
python tracking/test.py stark_dual_deformer baseline --dataset VTUAV --threads 4
python tracking/test.py stark_dual_deformer baseline --dataset VEDAI --threads 0