Neko: Remote File System for CX4013 Distributed System.

Neko CLI

To use Neko CLI, we use the following command to generate Neko CLI binary:

$ gradle installDist

Two files will be generated at build/install/neko-file-system/bin/ folder, i.e. neko-file-system (for MAC OS and Linux) and neko-file-system.bat (for Windows). We run the CLI by:

$ cd build/install/neko-file-system/bin/

$ ./neko-file-system
# You should get the following output
# usage: neko [OPTIONS]
#  -d,--debug     print debug message
#  -h,--help      print this message
#  -v,--verbose   print verbose message
# usage: neko read [ARGS] <path>
#  -b,--byte <arg>     the number of byte to be read
#  -d,--debug          print debug message
#  -o,--offset <arg>   read bytes starting from this offset
#  -v,--verbose        print verbose message
# usage: neko insert [ARGS] <path>
#  -d,--debug          print debug message
#  -o,--offset <arg>   insert bytes starting from this offset
#     --text <arg>     textOption to be inserted
#  -v,--verbose        print verbose message
# usage: neko monitor [ARGS] <path>
#  -d,--debug        print debug message
#     --time <arg>   time intervals in milliseconds
#  -v,--verbose      print verbose message
# usage: neko copy [ARGS] <path>
#  -d,--debug     print debug message
#  -v,--verbose   print verbose message
# usage: neko count [ARGS] <path>
#  -d,--debug     print debug message
#  -v,--verbose   print verbose message

Here are some examples:

# Read 500 bytes, starting from the first byte, from the given file
$ ./neko-file-system read -b 500 -o 0 /home/andy/Documents/HelloWorld.txt

# Insert the string "hello world\n", where "\n" represents a new line character,
# starting from the first byte, to the given file
$ ./neko-file-system insert -o 0 --text "hello world\n" /home/andy/Documents/HelloWorld.txt

# Copy a file. Another file called <the-file-name>_copy.<the-extension> will be created.
# In the following example, HelloWorld_copy.txt will be created
$ ./neko-file-system copy /home/andy/Documents/HelloWorld.txt

# Count the number of files in the given path
$ ./neko-file-system count /home/andy/Documents

Monitor examples:

# Run the following command in a terminal
# The command will monitor the specific file for 10 second at port 8888
$ ./neko-file-system monitor --time 10000 --debug /Users/andyccs/Documents/hello.txt

# Run the following command in another terminal
$ ./neko-file-system insert -o 0 --text "hello world\n" /Users/andyccs/Documents/hello.txt

Neko Server

First, get an IDE (IntelliJ or Eclipse) and import this project using Gradle. Next, run the using your IDE. By default, the server is using at-least-once invocation sematic. To change this, you can supply arguments to The arguments that are accepted are shown in next section.


Neko server can be run in two different invocation semantic, i.e. at-least-once invocation semantic and at-most-once invocation semantic. The can accept two input arguments.

First argument is invocation semantic of server, possible values:

  • "0": at-least-once invocation semantic (default)
  • "1": at-most-once invocation semantic

Second argument is unstable mode, possible values:

  • "0": stable (default)
  • "1": reply packets from server will lost for 3 times
  • "2": request packets from client will lost for 3 times

Merge all codes into one file

Why we want to do this? Well, ask your lecture.

# Copy from
$ sh

Check Your Coding Style

$ gradle checkstyleMain
$ gradle checkstyleTest