
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 10.0.5.

Run npm install to setup the project.

Test Case Execution [ES2015]

  1. npm run serve-es2015
  2. lighthouse --view http://localhost:4200/

The report will indicate the main.js file is unminified. main.js production on-disk file size: ~186 kB (unoptimized size: ~2.32 MB)

Test Case Execution [ES5]

  1. npm run serve-es5
  2. lighthouse --view http://localhost:4200/

The report will not contain an unminified JavaScript warning. main.js production on-disk file size: ~220 kB (unoptimized size: ~2.74 MB)

ES2015 template string examples

Nested template strings appear to generate false positives.

  • template-string-example/bad.js -> ~36% waste reported
  • template-string-example/good.js -> ~3% waste reported

Use npm run template-example for token counts.

ES2015 Angular main JavaScript file example

  • angular-main-example/main-fa50afb.js -> ~30% waste reported
  • angular-main-example/main-05edef7.js -> ~2% waste reported

The only difference is captured in the following diff (formatted for readability):

                     ? [serializeSegment(segment.children.primary, !1)]
                     : [`${k}:${serializeSegment(v, !1)}`]
-                return `${serializePaths(segment)}/(${children.join("//")})`;
+                return 1 === Object.keys(segment.children).length &&
+                  null != segment.children.primary
+                  ? `${serializePaths(segment)}/${children[0]}`
+                  : `${serializePaths(segment)}/(${children.join("//")})`;
             })(tree.root, !0)
           }${(function (params) {

The addition of the above code appears to cause the audit to report the file as minified.

Use npm run angular-example for token counts.

Waste estimator utility

Uses the minification-estimator within the lighthouse package to estimate a waste percentage.

Usage: node waste.js <file>