A flexible and powerful tool for reverse database to model codes.
Implementation reference xorm.io/reverse
- Optimized the speed of obtaining database table metadata.
- Support special field definition of orm framework.
- Support SqlType unsigned integer convert to uint for go language.
- Support SqlType tinyint(1) convert to bool for go language
go install github.com/njfanxun/reversex@latest
reversex gen -f {dir}/config.yaml # Generate a struct entity from database
reversex language # Print reversex supported language and framework
reversex version # Print the version of reversex
Use "reversex help [command]" for more information on a command.
kind: reverse # --required, only kind reverse
name: mydb # --required,this config name
database: mysql # --required, database driver name (mysql|sqlite3|postgres|mssql)
conn_str: "" # --required, database DSN:[username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]/dbname[?param1=value1&...]
language: golang # --required, development language(golang)
include_tables: # --optional, the include tables array list
exclude_tables: # --optional, the exclude tables array list
mapper: snake # --optional, table name to code class or struct mapping relationship(snake|gonic|same)
table_prefix: "" # --optional, struct name prefix
orm_fields: # --optional, xorm framework the special field identification, map[string]string
created: created_at # key(orm field): value(database column)
updated: updated_at
version: version
template_path: "" # --optional, custom generate file template
output_dir: ./models # --required, output directory,the latest dir is package name
package {{Package}}
{{$ips := Imports .Table}}
{{$ilen := len $ips}}
{{if gt $ilen 0}}
import (
{{range $ips}}"{{.}}"{{end}}
{{with .Table}}
type {{TableMapper .Name}} struct {
{{$table := .}}
{{range .ColumnsSeq}}{{$col := $table.GetColumn .}} {{ColumnMapper $col.Name}} {{Type $col}} `json:"{{$col.Name}}" {{Tag $table $col}}`
func ({{TableMapper .Name}}) TableName() string {
return "{{$table.Name}}"
func ({{TableMapper .Name}}) Cols() []string {
return {{ Columns .}}
- UnTitle: Convert first charator of the word to lower.
- Upper: Convert word to all upper.
- TableMapper: Mapper method to convert table name to class/struct name.
- ColumnMapper: Mapper method to convert column name to class/struct field name.
- Type: return column's golang type
- Tag: return golang struct tag for column
- Columns: return a table all columns to a array string
- Imports: return a go file all imports
- Package: return model files package
- github.com/cockroachdb/errors
- github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb
- github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
- github.com/gobwas/glob
- github.com/lib/pq
- github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
- github.com/novalagung/gubrak/v2
- github.com/pterm/pterm
- github.com/sirupsen/logrus
- github.com/spf13/cobra
- github.com/spf13/viper
- xorm.io/xorm
support for languages such as java(MyBatis), node(Sequelize), etc.