
Discord bot for my twitch community

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Discord bot for the BloodRedSakura Community discord. (www.twitch.tv/bloodredsakura) As well as my own learning.


  1. Register your application/bot with discord
  2. Create and populate a .env file in the root directory of this project
    • DISCORD_TOKEN - Discord bot secret
    • CLIENT_ID - Id of the bot application
    • GUILD_ID - Id of Guild the bot is registering "/" commands in

Running directly

  • Run node deploy-commands.js to register "/" commands with discord
  • Run node bot.js to start the bot from the command line

Running in docker

  • The included github action builds for arm64 and amd64 architechtures
  • There's an example docker-compose.yml included in the repo
    • You'll have to provide your .env file from the setup section to the containerized application


  • Raffle function to @ a random person in a configured voice channel
    • Used to pick activities like movie night
  • Raffle setup function to configure the voice channel that's raffled on
  • CD github action to push to docker pi