
Using this repository

Make sure you check it out recursively, otherwise the theme and links to other blogs won't work. Additionally you need to run yarn a least once if you want to start hugo serve for offline editing.

git submodule update --init --recursive

Setup for local (offine) development

Run the following script to generate assets


Adding content

There are two content types:

  • Post - for news
  • Blog - for links to blogs - to be shown in a portfolio

Options for all types

  • title - Title for the content element
  • date - Date of the content element
  • description - Description of the content element


Creating a new entry:

hugo new post/postnamehere/

Note: Make sure to create the page bundle (option -c) in the right directory! Hugo seem to have some stupid defaults if working in a fake multisite tree.



Creating a new entry:

hugo new blog/blognamehere/


  • lang - List of available languages
  • link - Link to blogs
  • linkPrefix - Prefix for links to this blog
  • status - One of active, inactive or planned

Creating a new empty screenshot

You need Imagemagick with Freetype support buildin.

convert -size 1024x768 -background gray36 -gravity Center -fill gray93 -font ./static/fonts/Lato-Bold.ttf label:"TEXT" screenshot.png

Adding Blogs for inclusion in news

Add the blog as Git submodule:

git submodule add blogs/kraehenbeisser

Edit config.toml:

        source = "blogs/kraehenbeisser/content/post"
        target = "content/post/kraehenbeisser"

Make sure there is a page in contents/blog for the newly added blog since some metadata is pulled from there.

Remove generated IIIF directories

find content blogs -name info.json -print -exec dirname {} \; | xargs rm -r

Running hugo

Without watching

This might be needed if there are to many sub directories (with IIIF structures) generated, since watching might not work in this setup.

hugo serve -F --debug --disableFastRender  --disableLiveReload --watch=false --renderToDisk

Debugging static mounts

hugo server -D --debug --disableFastRender --renderToDisk

Finding all required Hugo Versions

find blogs -ipath "*.github/workflows/*" -and \! -ipath "*/node_modules/*" -print -exec grep hugo-version {} \;