This was moved into a more extensive solution.
A simple python script to consume the BNZ API and export it to ElasticSearch
Please vote for an API into
Disclaimer: Work in Progress
- Learn about elastic-search
Convert Bank's csv files into JSON filesNot needed. CSV files must be ingested by using logstash. Json file must be ingested by elastic-search api - Inject these JSON files into elastic-search
- Create a Kibana dashboard to show
interesting data
1 - Create a Machine Learning Engine to analyze and categorize data 1
1 No idea of what Im doing
- Python 2.7
- Virtualenv
- Pip
- Docker
- Docker-machine
- Docker-compose
- Kubernetes support soon
Use to see this.
BNZ Extractor->BNZ API: Get accounts
BNZ API->BNZ Extractor: List of accounts
BNZ Extractor->Download Worker: Notify
BNZ Extractor->MongoDB: Initial Structure
Download Worker->BNZ API: Get transactions
BNZ API->Download Worker: transaction
Download Worker->MongoDB: Insert transactions
Download Worker->Process Worker: Notify
Process Worker->Elastic Search: Import transaction
Kibana->Elastic Search: Discovery
- Transactions are saved on mongodb as a backup ( I dont know when BNZ will stop allowing this)
- Transactions are imported on Elastic Search for analysis
- Workers are managed by RQ using REDIS
ELK stack is based on
- Install project dependencies by typing
$ virtualenv . $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Starting docker-machine
docker-machine start default
Setting up the docker context
eval (docker-machine env default)
We need more memory for ElasticSearch
docker-machine ssh
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
Starting the services that we will conect with
docker-compose up elasticsearch kibana database message-queue workers-dashboard node
Optional: Testing with nmap that every service is running
nmap -p 27017,9181,5601,6379,9200,9300,3000 # Just to test that everything is on place
Auth token comes from the BNZ App. Use chrome inspector to get it.
Starting a worker to import into elastic search. Doesn't need auth token.
rq worker -c processor-worker-settings # Turn on the worker to import into ES
Starting the download worker, who downloads the transactions and import it into MONGODB
env auth='' rq worker -c download-worker-settings # Start the worker to download from BNZ
Starting the main app, who get the accounts ids and builds the timeslots into the database
env auth='' start_date='2014-06-01' freq='w' python # Start the app that creates the initial structure
- Kibana:
- Elastic Search:
- RQ dashboard: