
We improve the errors of entailer due to incorrect beliefs of entailer by using LLaMa2-7B for scoring the truthfulness of the premise. We change the reasoned scoring of the hypothesis to use the geometric mean of the truthfulness scores of the premises. A short walkthrough of code is available at walkthrough.ipynb.

Entailer and LLaMa Entailer

  • Entailer is defined in It uses t5-model from entailer for generating one-step explanation and scoring truthfulness and faithfulness of premises.
  • llama Entailer is defined in It uses llama2-7B model for scoring truthfulness and faithfulness of the premises.
  • Following are the methods defined in these classes:
    • truthfulness_score: scores the truthfulness of the prompt
    • faithfulness_score: scores the faithfulness of the premises with hypothesis.
    • one_step: generates a one step explanation for the given hypothesis.
    • generate_entailment_tree: generate an entailment for the hypothesis for a given max depth.

Generating full-depth score trees

  • Since we are imporving errors of entailer due to incorrect beliefs we generate a full-depth score tree for every hypothesis in the dataset to avoid generating the premises again and again.
  • is used to generate score-tree for the hypothesis.
  • We generate and store the score trees of obqa, quartz and truthfulqa at results/.

Finetuning the LLaMA2-7B model

  • Finetuning is available at truthfulqa_reeval/scripts/ We modified the code from yizhongw/truthfulqa_reeval.
  • We created dataset using ARC and worldtree datasets it is located at truthfulqa_reeval/data.

Re-evaluating the scores

  • We use the finetuned-model to modify the scores in score-tree generated earlier.
  • is used to modify the truthfulness and faithfulness scores using a custom model.
  • We store the modified score-trees at results/

Ablation Study

  • We evaluate the following approaches using the score-trees obtained
    • Direct: Choosing the answer corresponding to the highest-scores hypothesis.
    • Entailer: Expanding the entailment tree up to a certain depth, then using only the truthfulness scores at the leaf noded and the faithfulness scores at all levels backpropagat- ing the reasoned score.
    • Entailer+Direct: In this case, a node is expanded only is the reasoned score, which is based on the truthfulness scores of the child premises and the faithfulness score of the entail- ment is higher than the score of the node itsel
  • We observe that using logit-transform and taking the geometric mean of the truthfulness scores works well.
  • We show comparison across different parameters at results/results.ods