
Some common GitHub actions and workflows

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Actions and reusable workflows

The cmaster11/gha repository contains various GitHub Actions, reusable workflows, and a build system to version them all.



Development (actions)

  1. Create a new action in the actions folder (e.g. action-test).
  2. Create PR and assign a release label (patch, minor, major).
    1. Note that versions start from 0, which means that, if you want to release a v1, you will need to use a major label in the PR.
  3. On PR merge, the action will be built and released to its own version branch (e.g. action-test/v1).
  4. You can then use the action in a GitHub Actions workflow with:
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: cmaster11/gha@action-test/v1

Additional files

Any file stored in the action folder will be moved to the root of the repository in the release branch, which means that if the action folder contains a README.md file, it will become the main README of the repo.

Pure NodeJs actions

Create an index.ts file in the action folder and use the following configuration for the action.yml file:

  using: node20
  main: index.ts

Development (workflows)

  1. Create a new workflow in the .github/workflows folder, making sure its name starts either with wf- or workflow- ( e.g. wf-test or workflow-test).
  2. Create PR and assign a release label (patch, minor, major).
    1. Note that versions start from 0, which means that, if you want to release a v1, you will need to use a major label in the PR.
  3. On PR merge, the workflow will be released to its own version branch (e.g. wf-test/v1 or workflow-test/v1).
  4. You can then use the workflows in a GitHub Actions workflow with:
    uses: cmaster11/gha/.github/workflows/wf-test.yml@wf-test/v1

Additional files

Assuming your workflow's name is wf-test.yml:


If a file such as wf-test.README.md is found, it will be moved to the root of the repository in the release branch and renamed to README.md, which means it will become the main README of the repo.


Any other workflows contained in the .github/workflows folder whose name starts with the main workflow's name and continues after a . will be also released together with the main workflow.

E.g., You could have another workflow such as wf-test.another.yml.

This makes it possible to have a main workflow that triggers any amount of dependent ones without having to worry about versioning.

You can then reuse these sub-workflows in your main one with:

    uses: ./.github/workflows/wf-test.another.yml

Build pipeline

%% NOTE: the diagram is stored in `./ARCHITECTURE.mermaid`

    commit["Commit on a PR-branch"]

    subgraph wf-build.yml
        get-release-label["Job: get-release-label\nFind the release label\nassociated with the PR"]
        get-changed-dirs["Job: get-changed-dirs\nDetect changed actions\nand workflows"]
        test["Job: test\nRuns CI tests\n(Tests will fail if\nsome files still need\nto be generated)"]
        gen-test-catch-all-workflow["Job: gen-test-catch-all-workflow\nAutomatically generates\na workflow to run\nall test workflows"]
        subgraph build-phase
            build-actions["Job: build-actions\nBuilds all the changed actions"]
            build-workflows["Job: build-workflows\nBuilds all the changed workflows"]
        cleanup["Job: cleanup\nIf the PR has been closed,\ndeletes all dev branches\ncreated during the PR's\nlifetime"]
        gen-test-catch-all-workflow --> build-phase
        test --> build-phase
        get-changed-dirs -- Generates the build matrix --> build-phase
        get-release-label --> build-phase
        post-build-test-actions["Job: post-build-test-actions\nTriggers testing jobs"]
        post-build-test-workflows["Job: post-build-test-workflows\nTriggers testing jobs"]
        build-actions -- " Releases the changed\nactions on their branches\n(dev or versioned) " --> post-build-test-actions
        build-workflows -- " Releases the changed\nworkflows on their branches\n(dev or versioned) " --> post-build-test-workflows

    subgraph cmaster11-gha-ci-test-catch-all.yml
        ci-post-test["Job: ci-post-test\nNotifies GitHub about the result of the test"]

        subgraph test-action-example.yml
            test-action-example["Job: test\nTests the action"]

        subgraph test-action-another.yml
            test-action-another["Job: test\nTests the action"]

        subgraph test-wf-test.yml
            test-wf-test["Job: test\nTests the workflow"]

        test-action-example --> ci-post-test
        test-action-another --> ci-post-test
        test-wf-test --> ci-post-test

    post-build-test-actions --> test-action-example.yml
    post-build-test-actions --> test-action-another.yml
    post-build-test-workflows --> test-wf-test.yml

    gen-test-catch-all-workflow -- " Creates a new commit\ncontaining the generated\ntest catch-all workflow\nand re-triggers the\nwhole pipeline if\nfiles have changed " --> cmaster11-gha-ci-test-catch-all.yml
    commit --> wf-build.yml
