- Property-Based Testing (Thanks to GG and Tinvention)
- Test containers mock (Thanks the Web)
- Lombok&Ereditance (Original idea to solve UC style problem)
- System.Logger (Thanks to Baeldung)
- ehcache4Search (Original idea to solve UC crypt performance problem)
- Mutation testing aka PIT testing (Thanks to Decathlon IT)
- MicroBenchmarking. (Thanks to Richard)
- Design patterns examples:
- Visitor
- Strategy
Property based idea is to test "properties" (a funtion that returns a boolean) of code instead of examples
Mutation idea is to modify code and check if test passes. If yes "mutation survives", this is a proxy versus test weakness.
Commutativity: the parameter order does not matter
for all (int x, int y)
such that (add(x, y) equals add(y, x)) is satisfied
PBT library docs: jqwik
Test containers docs: Sprint test containers
PIT docs: Real world mutation testing
Docker should be installed for test containers
- RedisBackedCacheIntTest.java contains a test against a redis server, loaded by Docker at test-time
- Logger: example usage of System.LOGGER, can be used as is, if falls over found log system (like slf4j) or create your own logger, like in this example. Just add META-INF/services/ file indicating finder implementation
- ehcache: example usage of ehcache as fast-inmemory full text replacement
- MathCalculatorTest: two cases, one is complete so PIT shows 100% coverage, second one only 50% as it effectively is
- Benchmark: let's bench hashmaps:
- HashMapResize: always leave 0,75 load factor (rounded to upper 2 power) or resize will occur making much slower
- CompositeLookup: when key is composite use a wrapper (4ex using Pair) instead of concatenating string, it's 3 times faster
- XXX: Don’t iterate over Enum.values()
- EnumMapBenchmark: Use Enum instead of String, it's 3 times faster
- NB: Use of @BenchmarkMode(Mode.SingleShotTime) avoid huge testing times, but real results are obtained using Average or Throughput Mode
- BadManager: look at implementation to notify when visitor should be used
./mvnw test
for all test
./mvnw test-compile org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage
for PIT testing analisys
- Propagator: Unchecked exceptions are forwarded in calling chain and checked exceptions are not forwarded in calling chain (use throws to do it)
- Finally: always executed except if program exits