Play With Swift
Swift Programming Language
- 官网
- 文档:需要用安装Sphinx(
easy_install -U Sphinx
, 将.rst格式转成.html文件,输出的文档在docs/_build/html
, 然而并没有像README上说的那样有whitpaper/index.html, 也许是因为文档没有及时更新吧,不过没关系,可以根据自己想看的文档查看对应专题的网页文件。 - 源码: 如果只想要阅读源码而不像修改,可以clone以下代码,
- swift语言源码, 可以主要查看stdlib文件夹下的源码:
git clone swift
- swift 编译器llvm代码:
git clone llvm
- swift编译c相关编译器源码:
git clone clang
- lldb:
git clone clang
- swift包管理工具源码:
git clone swiftpm
- swift foundation源码,基于OC开源Foudation, NS*.swift源码:
git clone
- swift语言源码, 可以主要查看stdlib文件夹下的源码:
- 想快速上首swift2.2的可以下载Xcode Swift 2.2 Snapshot, 经过安装后,可以在terminal中
alias swift22="/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-latest.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift"
, 不但可以启动REPL,还可以使用swift package manager。 注:只有Xcode 7.2可以使用swift 2.2. - swift package manager 相关示例代码:根据提示只要clone下示例工程,进入文件夹,运行
swift build
即可完成对应依赖工程的下载编译,非常方便,不过目前作者说还只是基础功能,目前还暂不支持iOS,watchOS,tvOS. - gyb CollectionAlgorithms.swift.gyb > CollectionAlgorithms.swift
Swift source code directory structure
- /include & /lib: have most of the compiler C++ sources
- /tools/SourceKit
- /stdlib: (mostly written in Swift)
- /stdlib/private: also includes unit test standard library
- /stdlib/public: the standard library (almost)
- /stdlib/public/SDK: look behind the curtain
- /stdlib/public/runtime: where we're going we don't need eyes to see
- /apinotes: rename types, map selectors...
- /docs: don't get too excited
- /unittests: not the unit tests you're looking for
- /test: unit tests, mostly in Swift
- /teset/1_stdlib: helpfully named so it runs first
- /utils: build script, gyb, etc
- /validation-test: test cases, validates shapes of types, conformances, etc
- Swift2.playground 学习The Swift Programming Language(Swift 2.0)笔记
- CafeHunter-Stater 是Swift and Cocoa 章节中的Demo
- SwiftReversi Swift vs. Objective-C Demo code
- SHCReversiGame 是SwiftReversi 中的Objective-C 实现
- Swift_Standard_Library.playground 是Apple 提供的Swift标准库的playground
- The Best of What's New in Swift
- Advanced NSOperations
- AdvancedNSOperations 为WWDC 2015 session 226 Advanced NSOperations 的Sample Code
###Protocol Oriented Programming
- Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift
- Crustacean.playground 为WWDC 2015 session 408 Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift 的Sample Code
- Protocol Oriented Programming in the Real World
- Locksmith: A powerful, protocol-oriented library for working with the keychain in Swift.
- Blurable: Apply a Gaussian Blur to any UIView with Swift Protocol Extensions
- mocks in swift via protocols