
This repo collects benchmarks for the different dbus implementations available in rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

What is this

This repo tries to give an overview over the landscape of the the different dbus implementations that exists in the rust ecosystem.

  1. https://github.com/KillingSpark/rustbus
  2. https://github.com/diwic/dbus-rs/ (bindings to C library)
  3. https://github.com/diwic/dbus-rs/tree/master/dbus-native
  4. https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/zeenix/zbus/
  5. https://github.com/Arnavion/dbus-pure
  6. https://github.com/srwalter/dbus-bytestream
  7. https://github.com/LinkTed/dbus-message-parser

Note that I am the author of rustbus, but of course I am trying to be as objective as possible here.

Current state

Some benchmarks exist. I plan to add equivalent ones for the missing libs, and more kinds of benchmarks.

The benchmarks

  1. MarshalMix: Build a signal message with mixed params and marshal it
  2. MarshalBigArray: Build a signal message with a big u64 array and marshal it
  3. MarshalStrArray: Build a signal message with a big String array and marshal it
  4. Marshal + Send: Connect to the sessionbus, build a signal and send it to the bus

The dbus-message-parser does not provide any means of sending messages, so this benchmark is omitted.

Current results

I am running this on a Ryzen 3800X (/proc/cpuinfo says: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X). Your values might vary a bit.

I used rust 1.53.0 to run these benchmarks.

To replicate these results just run: cargo bench. That will run all benchmarks.

Library MarshalMixed MarshalStrArray MarshalBigArray Marshal + Send
rustbus 7.074 us 125.65 us 2.8302 us 76.774 us
dbus-rs 177.08 us 1475.6 us 367.50 us 268.00 us
dbus-native 5.2846 us 335.77 us 135.75 us 47.112 us
dbus-bytestream 14.387 us 1213.3 us 166.77 us 62.467 us
dbus-message-parser 39.111 us 4491.1 us 784.56 us NaN
dbus-pure 16.411 us 294.34 us 66.035 us 58.328 us
zvariant 41.591 us 1493.6 us 567.61 us 117.78 us
zvariant-derive 41.029 us 1504.5 us 567.79 us 119.50 us