Most of my side projects (and all of my main work) are private so you won't find them here. Contact me to talk about them :).
cmavr8's Followers
- AJamesPhillipsLondon, UK
- alvincai
- atolac
- benjaminugLaboremus uganda
- brav0hax
- c99SRSIndia
- damc-dev
- eyedolAddhen Limited
- gchiesa@mambu-gmbh
- hostnameli@aphle
- idimetrix@elevanceit
- JamesLinus@intel
- lifa123china
- lifenautjoe@SomusHQ
- lordsolomon
- mallamanisUK
- MuzukashiMkJin
- Omar-DriouchJobInTech
- RubenGamarrarodriguez-tomtom@tomtom-international
- rwmanosCH
- sebastianv89Netherlands
- shellsec
- vky-pk
- xen0f0n