
This is my CMU 15112 Intro to Programming final project. Completed on December 7, 2017.

Primary LanguagePython

Tile Run

By C.J. May

Tile run is an endless path-finding game where the user controls a player block to avoid enemy blocks traveling toward it. The player is also allowed to jump over blocks, but must do so cautiously as they will not be able to move the player while in the air, making it easier to get stuck (and then pushed off) when they land.

In order to play my game, you need to install pygame. To do this go to terminal/command prompt and enter: pip3 install pygame

The images for the background are included in the zip file and these as well as the "pygameFramework.py" file needs to be in the same directory as "try2.py".

Thanks for playing!

Video: https://youtu.be/NVdvYfFEE_k