This is the repository for CJ's final course project in 67-272: Application Design and Development.
To set this up, clone this repository, run the bundle install
command to ensure you have all the needed gems and then create the database with rake db:migrate
. If you want to populate the system with fictitious, but somewhat realistic data, you can run the rake db:populate
command. The populate script will create:
- 120 customers
- over 600 orders
- a menu of 5 types of breads, 3 varieties of muffins and 1 type of pastry
Many objects are created with some element of randomness so you will get slightly different results each time it is run. However, employee-type users are fixed. In terms of employee-type users there are two admins -- Alex (username: 'alex') and Mark (username: 'mark') -- and a shipper (username: 'shipper') and a baker (username: 'baker'). All customers have a username which is 'user' with a sequential set of numbers concatentated. (user1 - user120 should exist for you to log in as and experiment.) All users in the system have a password of 'secret'.