Contoso Health Bot Web Chat Container
Note: In order to use this Web Chat with the Health Bot service, you will need to obtain your Web Chat secret by going to "Integration/Secrets" on the navigation panel. Please refer to Microsoft Health Bot for a private preview and details.
A simple web page to hand off users to the Microsoft Health bot
- Deploy the website:
2.Set the following environment variables:
3.Set the Bot service direct line channel endpoint (optional)
In some cases it is required to set the endpoint URI so that it points to a specific geography. The geographies supported by the bot service each have a unique direct line endpoint URI:
routes your client to the nearest datacenter. This is the best option if you do not know where your client is
routes only to Direct Line servers in Eastern
routes only to Direct Line servers in
routes only to Direct Line servers in North America.
Pass your preferred geographic endpoint URI by setting the environment variable: DIRECTLINE_ENDPOINT_URI
in your deployment. If no variable is found it will default to
Note: If you are deploying the code sample using the "Deploy to Azure" option, you should add the above secrets to the application settings for your App Service.
Agent webchat
If the agent webchat sample is also required, switch to the live agent handoff branch