
MCMC parameter sampling code

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CosmoMC:Fortran 2008 parallelized MCMC sampler (general and cosmology)

Description and installation

The new Python Cobaya sampling package incorporates a version of CosmoMC's sampler and most other CosmoMC features, but has more general speed optimization and general support of multiple inter-dependent theory and likelihood codes. New users should probably use that.

For full CosmoMC install details see the ReadMe.

Algorithm details

See the latest paper.


CosmoMC includes the GetDist python sample analysis and plotting package, which is also available separately.


The master branch contains latest changes to the main release version, using latest CAMB 1.x.


The planck2018 branch contains the configuration used for the final Planck 2018 analysis, with corresponding CAMB version.

The devel branch is a development branch.