AirQuality From

If you don't already have one, get an API key for AirNow.

  • Request a free AirNow API key
  • Log in to the AirNow API website.

Visit any of the Web Services documentation pages (e.g. Forecast by Zip Code) and look for Your API Key: in the top right of the page.

It should be a string of hexadecimal characters in the format XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX. If you see your API key simply listed as GUEST, that's not it. (The main AirNow Web Services index page currently has a bug that shows this as the key even when logged in. Try one of the subpages.)

Save your key somewhere - you will need it in the Driver.

Install this Driver and create a New Virtual Device.

  • Give your virtual Device a name, AirNow AQI perhaps.
  • From the Type dropdown, scroll to the end and pick "Air Quality from AirNow"
  • Click Save and your new device is ready to configure.
  • Copy / Paste your AirNow API Key and choose a Poll interval and which AQI reading you would like.

Each of the six AQI categories has been assigned a Color and Health rating and that is displayed too.

The Standard AQ Attribute is airQualityIndex. Additional Attributes supported by this driver are: O3, PM2.5 and PM10 as well as the AQ category as a color (airQualityColor).