About osgSWIG ------------- OpenSceneGraph is a comprehensive OpenGL based scene graph library. It provides its own introspection layer for scripting however there are various scenarios where an outside-in approach for scripting is more appropriate. The SWIG wrappers for OpenSceneGraph were initially developed by Hartmut Seichter at the Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand as part of the FRST (http://frst.govt.nz/) funded project MagicBook. The project was moved from the HITLabNZ to the community in order to get more involvement. Soon after the TuDelft Data Visualization group contributed a vastly updated version. ------------------------ 11/04/2010 Changed repsitory to Mecurial (hg), use the following command to make a local clone hg clone https://osgswig.googlecode.com/hg/ osgswig Using CMake build system ------------------------ steps: $> mkdir build $> cd build $> cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release $> make (or use cmakesetup on windows) Note: It is highly recommended to use an out-of-source build as it doesn't polute the source tree and facilitates multiple builds per source tree. Please consult the CMake documentation (http://cmake.org) for more options. Older Versions? --------------- This is the new trunk of osgswig. http://osgswig.googlecode.com/svn/trunk or for members: https://osgswig.googlecode.com/svn/trunk it is a merge of the original osgswig branch and the branch used for the VRmeer Project (python and perl). The merge contains new cmake files, that build the following modules; osg osgDB osgFX osgGA osgUtil osgViewer There is one (new) simple test example: examples/python/simple/simpleosg The default cmakesetting make these modules for python. It is most recently tested with swig 1.3.33 OpenSceneGraph 2.3.4 The repository also still contain all the files and documentation from the original osgswig. check out revision 95 of: http://osgswig.googlecode.com/svn/ or https://osgswig.googlecode.com/svn/ (for members) this contains the original osgswig. or check out the pre2.2 branch: svn checkout http://osgswig.googlecode.com/svn/branches/pre_2.2/ osgswig-read-only svn checkout https://osgswig.googlecode.com/svn/branches/pre_2.2/ --username myusername