
Netlify plugin for post-build SEO linting

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This plugin adds SEO checks to the files generated in your Netlify build, using @nickreese/seo-lint.


Add the plugin to your netlify.toml:

package = "netlify-plugin-seo-lint"

  threshold = "warning"

Install to your devDependencies with npm:

npm i -D netlify-plugin-seo-lint

The plugin will run as part of your build, running SEO lint checks against the publish directory. The build will fail if any linting issues exceed the configured threshold.


The following configuration options can be used:

  • host: The host used to determine internal links. Defaults to Netlify's URL in production context, or DEPLOY_PRIME_URL in other contexts. See Netlify's build environment variables and deploy contexts.
  • threshold: The minimum priority that should be considered a build failure. Can be either error or warning which will be compared against the test's level, or an integer which will be compared against the test's priority. Defaults to error.
  • verbose: Output all errors/warnings, even those below the threshold. Defaults to true.
  • internalLinksLowerCase: Whether internal links should be checked to be lower case. Defaults to true.
  • internalLinksTrailingSlash: Wether internal links should contain a trailing slash. Defaults to true.