
Building a ruby command line todo list, that saves your progress!


Learning Objectives

After completing this assignment, you should…

  • Become familiar with errors and how to solve them
  • Be able to run a test suite
  • Be able to take an existing test suite and implement all the desired features

Performance Objectives

  • Be able to parse, manipulate, and save CSV data
  • Be able to create production code based on tests



  • A forked copy of this repo.


  • All tests must pass.
  • I must be able to run ruby bin/todo.rb and file must run without errors.
  • Code must adhear to the ruby style guide.

Normal Mode

  • Have all the tests pass.
  • This will allow users to start the program and view their existing todos.
  • They will then be able to add new todos or mark existing todos as complete.

Hard Mode

  • Add the ability to edit and delete existing todos.

Nightmare Mode

  • Add the ability to edit an existing todo, complete with tests.


  • make bin/todo.rb an executable file.