
Aiven Elasticsearch (ES) to OpenSearch (OS) fork test and validation

Primary LanguageHCL

Aiven Elasticsearch (ES) to OpenSearch (OS) fork test


  • This repo is for testing and validating the forking and deployment of the OS service and any existing dashboards, etc.
  • Deploys
    • one forked ES to OS cluster from the specified ES service to fork from
      • includes migrating/upgrading existing ES Kiband dashboards to OS Dashboards and data, etc.
    • one OS native (from scratch) cluster


  • deploy the OS cluster(s)
  • destroys only the test/validation OS cluster(s) does not affect the specified existing ES cluster fork source.


Terraform Support for Migration Path

  • Project scope
    • Opensearch Resource (Aiven Terraform Provider)
      • test and validate the forking of existing Elasticsearch clusters and the deployment of new OpenSearch clusters.
      • allows customers to validate Kibana from ES to OpenSearch Dashboard Migrations
      • noting that The upgrade from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch will also upgrade your Kibana to OpenSearch Dashboards.

Validate OS data

  • Console

  • Command line--note ensure requisite access model configured--i.e. VPC peering, or public access with CIDR allow list, etc.

export es="https://avnadmin:$ADMIN_PASSWORD@${SERVICE_NAME}-${PROJECT}.aivencloud.com:24947"

http $es
http $es/_cat/indices
http "$es/_cat/indices?bytes=b&s=store.size:desc&v"
http $es/_cat/nodes?h=ip,port,heapPercent,name
http $es/_cluster/health
http $es/_cluster/pending_tasks
http $es/_cluster/settings
http $es/_cluster/stats
http $es/_nodes
http $es/_cat/thread_pool