
6.x Elasticsearch Chef Cookbook with TLS/SSL, Kibana, and Cerbro for management, etc.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

td_elasticsearch Elasticsearch


  • Pre-existing secure and encrypted (via restricted bucket policy) S3 bucket with your pre-existing .key, .crt. .jks
    (cerbro-truststore) files.
    • i.e.: copy them to a S3 bucket path like: terradatum-chef/certs/elasticsearch/dev1
  • This chef cookbook code uses the cluster name ('dev1' or 'prod1') to determine the correct PEM and keystore
    files to fetch from the S3 bucket for the cluster.
    • i.e.:
      • terradatum-chef/certs/elasticsearch/prod1
      • terradatum-chef/certs/elasticsearch/dev1
  • The nodes should be launched in EC2 with requisite IAM role/policies (and S3 bucket policy) to facilitate access.
    • See below example Secure, Encrypted S3 bucket policy.


  • RHEL and derivatives


  • Chef >= 12.1

Usage--inclusion via roles

  • Elasticsearch
    • Prod:
      • include elasticsearch-prod role
    • Dev:
      • include elasticsearch-dev role
  • Kibana and Cerbro
    • Prod:
      • elasticsearch-prod, kibana-prod, cerebro-prod
    • Dev:
      • elasticsearch-dev, kibana-dev, cerebro-dev


  • td_elasticsearch::default
  • td_elasticsearch::kibana
  • td_elasticsearch::cerebro
  • td_elasticsearch::snapshots

Cookbook and Recipe Overview; TL;DR

Quick high-level summary:

  • Chef Provisioning using TLS/SSL certs, keys, etc., for:

    • Elasticsearch with snapshots

      • Recipe: td_elasticsearch::default
      • Installed and configured in systemd.
      • Supports 6.x+ with x-pack TLS requirements.
        • Tested / validated on 6.2.2-1
      • Distributes and configures with (pre-existing) TLS/SSL certs, keys, etc. from requisite encrypted, secure
        S3 bucket/path.
    • Elasticsearch snapshots via cron

      • Recipe: td_elasticsearch::snapshots
        • Manage via snapshots section in the attributes/default.rb (and/or via chef environment, roles, etc.) file.
    • Kibana (HTTPS/SSL) "Coordinating Node"

      • Recipe: td_elasticsearch::kibana
        • Installed and configured in systemd.
        • Post chef-client available at https URL--i.e.: https://kibana1.terradatum.com:5601
          • Redirects to kibana login/service; the kibana service terminates the TLS/SSL at the kibana app.
    • Cerbro (HTTPS/SSL) on the Kibana node

      • Recipe: td_elasticsearch::cerebro
        • Installed and configured in systemd.
        • Terminates TLS/SSL at the web service on port 443 and redirects to the cerebro play/java app running locally on port 9000
          • Post chef-client available at https URL--i.e.: https://kibana1.terradatum.com
            • Cerebro Redirect to Login page and use the following:
              • Node Address: 'kibana.terradatum.com:9200' (9200 is the elasticsearch port)
              • Username: use your elasticsearch credentials/account–i.e. 'kibana,' 'cmcc', etc.
              • Password: requisite password for the above elasticsearch login


  • requisite attributes for all above recipes can be set in attributes or in the requisite environment, etc.

Notes, Caveats, Issues


  • We were forced to use a beta version/branch the version of which was not valid. regarding branch: "4.0.0-beta" both berks and chef-client died trying to handle it.

    {"error":["Invalid cookbook version '4.0.0-beta'."]}

    To move forward we took the beta branch and version and uploaded this version to our chef server and set to a valid version number. For now we used 4.0.0

  • Please review https://github.com/elastic/cookbook-elasticsearch/blob/4.0.0-beta/README.md

  • Elasticsearch did not seem capable of using our wildcard certs (signed from Digi) this was a time consuming frustrating exercise.

    • Highly recommend staying on the supported path of configuring/using self-signed CA certs.
  • The ES docs for TLS/SSL post 6.x were not complete and lacking many details when this work was done.

    • Many issues were encountered which required ES support to provide steps as new 6.x+ docs were lacking.
      • Thanks to their support for assisting.
  • Highly recommend using PEM format for certs!

    • We could not use PKCS#12 as this cert format does NOT work with remote curl commands.
    • On that note, currently Kibana must use PEM AFAIK.
  • This may have changed, but at that time we couldn't use passphrase on PEM cert unless we included it in the
    elasticsearch.yml file (docs did not state this). YMMV.

  • kitchen

    • Currently requires using Kitchen Vagrant due to required host name changes, etc.
    • Using kitchen docker has been unstable and unreliable for td_elasticsearch on my mac and therefore was forced
      to stop using it--vagrant just works for me. In addition we need to take actions based on hostname,
      which is difficult to do/support with Docker.
    • AWS TLS/SSL configuration, testing and validation really can't be done locally so we do some but not all.
    • AWS EC2 ES cluster node discovery cannot be tested locally.

Pre node/cluster deployment requirements

  • Note: (see Elasticsearch, Kibana, and cerbro docs for more details on how to create/configure TLS/SSL certs, etc.)

    • There is quite a lot to understand, configure, and do to support TLS for ES--and is outside scope of this doc.
  • Update/modify the attributes/default.rb, scripts / templates, and license files, S3 bucket/path, PEM certs/keys,
    keystores, user creds, etc., FOR YOUR ENVIRONMENT.

  • Encrypted S3 buckets with restricted access to only specified AWS Access keys (used by IAM roles).

    • Prod cluster: terradatum-chef/certs/elasticsearch/prod1
    • Dev cluster: terradatum-chef/certs/elasticsearch/dev1
    • Secure encrypted S3 Bucket Policy example (use at your discretion).
      • The policy below enforces encryption in transit, and only allows specified AWS access keys access.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Deny",
                "Principal": "*",
                "Action": "s3:*",
                "Resource": [
                "Condition": {
                    "StringNotLike": {
                        "aws:userId": [
                "Effect": "Deny",
                "Principal": "*",
                "Action": "s3:*",
                "Resource": [
                "Condition": {
                    "Bool": {
                        "aws:SecureTransport": "false"
  • Requisite .crt, .key, .jks (cerebro) files for every node in respective ES cluster in requisite S3 bucket.

    • You must create these and copy to requisite S3 bucket and path before using these recipes.
    • i.e. for prod1 cluster:
    aws s3 ls s3://terradatum-chef/certs/elasticsearch/prod1/

    cat prod-instances.yml (follow ES docs for process to create these correctly)

      - name: 'elastic1'
        dns: [ 'elastic1.terradatum.com' ]
      - name: 'elastic2'
        dns: [ 'elastic2.terradatum.com' ]
      - name: 'elastic7'
        dns: [ 'elastic7.terradatum.com' ]
      - name: 'kibana1'
        dns: [ 'kibana1.terradatum.com' ]
      - name: 'kibana2'
        dns: [ 'kibana2.terradatum.com' ]

Launching EC2 ES cluster nodes with knife

DEV (dev1) ES cluster

We use the latest elaticsearch AMI (currently ami-e08e9a80)

The initial DEV cluster node JVMs will be configured with ~15.5G RAM available (Xmx, Xms), using the r4.xlarge We may scale as needed.

deploy dev1 DEV cluster using existing custom AMI with 300 GB EBS volume for elasticsearch data
for node in elastic{1..3}.dev; do knife ec2 server create --image ami-e08e9a80 -f r4.xlarge --region us-west-1 --subnet subnet-c3b87cab \
-g "sg-ccf91aa3" -g "sg-0e609d6a" -g "sg-56e3ba33" -g "sg-01c54a64" --ssh-key td-aws-dev --ssh-user deploy \
--identity-file "${HOME}/.ssh/td-aws-dev.pem" --node-name "${node}.terradatum.com" -r "role[elasticsearch-dev]" \
--environment dev --fqdn "${node}.terradatum.com" --tags "ENV=DEV,Name=${node}.terradatum.com,APP=elasticsearch,Cluster=dev1" \
--iam-profile chefAwsRole; done

STAGE cluster not used.

PROD (prod1) cluster

  • PROD cluster node JVMs will have ~30.5G RAM using the r4.2xlarge instance types.
    • Further testing will determine the correct value since literature has this number between 24G and 30.5G
Deploy using customized ES AMI providing a separate 300GB EBS data volume.
for node in elastic{1..3}; do knife ec2 server create --image ami-e08e9a80 -f r4.2xlarge --region us-west-1 --subnet subnet-c4b87cac \
-g "sg-a27ab3c7" -g "sg-a399f7da" -g "sg-56e3ba33" -g "sg-01c54a64" --ssh-key td-aws-ops --ssh-user deploy --identity-file "${HOME}/.ssh/td-aws-ops.pem" \
--node-name "${node}.terradatum.com" -r "role[elasticsearch-prod]" --environment prod --fqdn "${node}.terradatum.com" \
--tags "ENV=PROD,Name=${node}.terradatum.com,APP=elasticsearch,Cluster=prod1" --server-connect-attribute private_ip_address --iam-profile chefAwsRole; done
PROD (prod1 cluster) kibana node uses default public CentOS-7 latest image because it does NOT need the 300GB ES data volume.
for node in kibana1; do knife ec2 server create --image ami-65e0e305 -f  t2.large --region us-west-1 --subnet \
subnet-c4b87cac -g "sg-a27ab3c7" -g "sg-a399f7da" -g "sg-56e3ba33" -g "sg-01c54a64" --ssh-key td-aws-ops \
--ssh-user centos --identity-file "${HOME}/.ssh/td-aws-ops" --node-name "${node}.terradatum.com" \
-r "role[kibana-prod]" --environment prod --fqdn "${node}.terradatum.com" --tags \
"ENV=PROD,Name=${node}.terradatum.com,APP=elasticsearch,Cluster=prod1" --server-connect-attribute private_ip_address \
--iam-profile chefAwsRole; 

Post chef knife bootstrap node creation and successful chef-client run

Run Setup passwords--NOTE the passwords for the accounts will be the same on all nodes in the cluster

Set password for users: elastic, kibana, and logstash_system accounts
OPTION1 use auto password generation

Commands shown for LOCAL, DEV, and PROD:

/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/x-pack/setup-passwords auto -u "https://elastic1.local:9200"
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/x-pack/setup-passwords auto -u "https://elastic2.dev:9200"
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/x-pack/setup-passwords auto -u "https://elastic3.terradatum.com:9200"
Set passwords
OPTION2 use interactive password creation (you set at command-line)

Commands shown for LOCAL, DEV, and PROD:

/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/x-pack/setup-passwords interactive -u "https://elastic1.local:9200"
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/x-pack/setup-passwords interactive -u "https://elastic2.dev:9200"
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/x-pack/setup-passwords interactive -u "https://elastic3.terradatum.com:9200"

Remember to update LastPass with the new passwords for dev and prod clusters

Validate secure curl with ca cert works

curl --cacert /etc/elasticsearch/certs/ca.crt -u elastic 'https://elastic1.local:9200/_cat/nodes'
curl --cacert /etc/elasticsearch/certs/ca.crt -u elastic 'https://elastic2.dev:9200/_cat/nodes'
curl --cacert /etc/elasticsearch/certs/ca.crt -u elastic 'https://elastic3.terradatum.com:9200/_cat/nodes'

# using elastic account and password with curl
curl --cacert /etc/elasticsearch/certs/ca.crt -u elastic:XXXXXXXX 'https://elastic3.terradatum.com:9200/_cat/nodes'  1 57 0 0.00 0.13 0.14 mdi * elastic1  1 56 3 0.07 0.20 0.23 mdi - elastic3 2 57 0 0.13 0.16 0.20 mdi - elastic2

Export ES_USR, ES_PASSWD (with admin super/admin creds), and CURL_CA_BUNDLE for easier curl commands

Note: not the/a snapshot user, use a real admin/super user. The snapshot user can create snapshots is limited. i.e.:

export CURL_CA_BUNDLE="/etc/elasticsearch/certs/ca.crt"
export ES_USR="my_admin_user"
export ES_PASSWD="my_admin_passwd"
curl -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD -X GET "${ES_URL}/_cat/nodes"  7 59 0 0.00 0.01 0.05 mdi * elastic1 6 92 2 0.00 0.02 0.05 -   - kibana1  6 61 0 0.00 0.01 0.05 mdi - elastic3 8 62 0 0.00 0.01 0.05 mdi - elastic2

Elasticsearch Snapshots

  • Configured on the target kibana coordinating (or other cluster) node by the td_elasticsearch::snapshots recipe.
  • Fully configurable via the snapshots section of the attributes/default.rb file.

snapshot validation post chef-client run

[root@kibana1 ~]# ll /etc/cron.d | grep 'elastic-snapshots'
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 157 May  9 20:27 prod-create-elastic-snapshots
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 139 May 10 17:08 prod-rotate-elastic-snapshots

[root@kibana1 ~]# cat /etc/cron.d/prod-create-elastic-snapshots
# Generated by Chef. Changes will be overwritten.
1 9 * * * root /opt/td-elastic-utilties/create-elastic-snapshots.sh -n prod1 -r prod1 -s snapshot-nightly

[root@kibana1 ~]# cat /etc/cron.d/prod-rotate-elastic-snapshots
# Generated by Chef. Changes will be overwritten.
10 17 * * * root /opt/td-elastic-utilties/rotate-elastic-snapshots.sh -n prod1 -r prod1

validate snapshot limits enforced by our scripts from cron

In our case on prod we'll keep 15 snapshots

[root@kibana1 ~]# grep LIMIT /opt/td-elastic-utilties/prod1-cluster-vars
# LIMIT must be >= 1
export LIMIT=15

[root@kibana1 ~]# source /opt/td-elastic-utilties/prod1-cluster-vars
[root@kibana1 ~]# env | grep LIMIT

[root@kibana1 ~]# curl -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD -X GET "${ES_URL}/_snapshot/prod1/_all?pretty" --silent | jq -r '.snapshots [] .snapshot'

Licensing nodes/cluster

We have this automated but currently disabled and are just doing this simple step manually, the requisite license file is delivered to /var/tmp Optionally, you could omit the password and enter it in interactively when you execute the command

curl --cacert /etc/elasticsearch/certs/ca.crt -XPUT -u elastic:XXXXXXX 'https://elastic1.terradatum.com:9200/_xpack/license' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @/var/tmp/terradatum-prod.json

Kibana coordinating nodes with requisite TLS/SSL certs, etc.

deploy kibana dev coordinating node

export node=kibana1.dev
knife ec2 server create --image ami-65e0e305 -f t2.medium --region us-west-1 --subnet subnet-c4b87cac -g sg-d334ccb6 \
-g "sg-ccf91aa3" -g "sg-0e609d6a" -g "sg-56e3ba33" -g "sg-01c54a64" --ssh-key td-aws-dev --ssh-user deploy \
--identity-file "${HOME}/.ssh/td-aws-dev.pem" --node-name "${node}.terradatum.com" -r "role[kibana-dev]" \
--environment dev --fqdn "${node}.terradatum.com" --tags \
"ENV=DEV,Name=${node}.terradatum.com,APP=elasticsearch,Cluster=dev1" --iam-profile chefAwsRole; done 

deploy prod kibana coordinating node(s) using default community CentOS AMI

for node in kibana{1..2}; do 
    knife ec2 server create --image ami-65e0e305 -f  t2.large --region us-west-1 --subnet subnet-c4b87cac \
    -g "sg-a27ab3c7" -g "sg-a399f7da" -g "sg-56e3ba33" -g "sg-01c54a64" --ssh-key td-aws-ops --ssh-user \
    centos --identity-file "${HOME}/.ssh/td-aws-ops" --node-name "${node}.terradatum.com" -r "role[kibana-prod]" \
    --environment prod --fqdn "${node}.terradatum.com" --tags \
    "ENV=PROD,Name=${node}.terradatum.com,APP=elasticsearch,Cluster=prod1" \
    --server-connect-attribute private_ip_address --iam-profile chefAwsRole; 

Trust your cluster's CA TLS/SSL Certificate (that you created with the certs and keys) on OSX/MACOS

  • If not on OSX/MACOS, use appropriate alternatives here.
    • For OSX/MACOS Go to keychain
      • Trust the ca.crt (available from either LastPass or in /etc/elasticsearch/certs on cluster nodes) in your keychain
        • File - Import
        • Import the ca.crt
        • Open Trust - and under SSL click always trust

LOCAL development using Chef Kitchen (limited functionality but good for baseline / minimal testing)

configure aliases for easy kitchen use
alias elastic1="kitchen login elastic1-centos-7"
alias elastic2="kitchen login elastic2-centos-7"
alias elastic3="kitchen login elastic3-centos-7"
alias kibana1="kitchen login kibana1-centos-7"

deploy two elasticsearch suites (two nodes for testing)

kitchen converge 'elastic1|elastic2' -c

deploy two elastic suites/nodes and one kibana

kitchen converge 'elastic1|elastic2|kibana1' -c
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.19.2)
-----> Creating <elastic1-centos-7>...
-----> Creating <elastic2-centos-7>...
-----> Creating <kibana1-centos-7>...
for i in elastic{1..3}; do kitchen exec $i -c "hostname -I"; done
-----> Execute command on elastic1-centos-7.
-----> Execute command on elastic2-centos-7.
-----> Execute command on elastic3-centos-7.

kitchen.yml file

concurrency: 2

  name: vagrant
  cachier: true
  use_sudo: false
  privileged: true

  name: chef_zero
  log_level: info
  always_update_cookbooks: true

  name: inspec
  format: documentation

  - name: centos-7

  - name: elastic1
        - ["private_network", { type: "dhcp" }]
      vm_hostname: elastic1.local
        name: elastic1
        memory: 2048
        cpus: 2
      - ["/var/tmp/data", "/home/vagrant/data", "create: true, type: :nfs"]
      - recipe[td_elasticsearch::default]

  - name: elastic2
        - ["private_network", { type: "dhcp" }]
      vm_hostname: elastic2.local
        name: elastic2
        memory: 2048
        cpus: 2
      - ["/var/tmp/data", "/home/vagrant/data", "create: true, type: :nfs"]
      - recipe[td_elasticsearch::default]

  - name: elastic3
        - ["private_network", { type: "dhcp" }]
      vm_hostname: elastic3.local
        name: elastic3
        memory: 2048
        cpus: 2
      - ["/var/tmp/data", "/home/vagrant/data", "create: true, type: :nfs"]
      - recipe[td_elasticsearch::default]

  - name: kibana1
        - ["private_network", { type: "dhcp" }]
      vm_hostname: kibana1.local
        name: kibana1
        memory: 2048
        cpus: 2
      - ["/var/tmp/data", "/home/vagrant/data", "create: true, type: :nfs"]
      - recipe[td_elasticsearch::default]
      - recipe[td_elasticsearch::kibana]