
k8s Deployment project with encrypted secrets using git-crypt

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Kubernetes Deployment with Encrypted Secrets


  • Uses simple Kubernetes manifests (as templates) and a build script with SED to set requisite variables for each environment.
  • Used git-crypt to encrypt secrets.
  • Possible use cases:
    • lack of team knowledge with Kubernetes, etc.
    • teams with resource constraints or wishing to avoid complexity--Helm charts, Kustomize, etc.
    • rapidly implement CI/CD for your application/service in Kubernetes (where your manifests don't change often/much).

For development branch/environment, automatically builds the Kubernetes manifests and then applies to cluster upon git push--for stage and production branches/environments, this can easily be modified as desired by changing the logic in the Jenkinsfile.

Requisite Environment Variables:

  • Just set requisite variables for the environment and commit with git--see below and Jenkinsfile, etc.

Encrypted and Managed Secrets

  • Secrets are encrypted and checked in to git and then are decrypted with the git-crypt key and passed to Kubernetes during execution of the ./development/myap.secrets file.

  • To provide secure encrypted secrets management, we use git-crypt--see the ./secrets/development/myap.secrets file.

  • If you do choose to use git-crypt, the first step is to git-crypt init, followed by a git-crypt export of the keyfile:

    • git-crypt init

    • git-crypt export-key ~/.git-crypt-keys/myapp.key

    • Provide you have the key distribute it to you other team members and automated processes, CI/CD (jenkins), etc.

    • Unlock / decrypt any/all encrypted files with:

    • i.e.: git-crypt unlock ~/.git-crypt-keys/myapp.key

  • The secrets we create in the myapp.secrets file are available to Kubernetes and are used in the deployment.yaml--the template excerpt shown below:

    - name: "myapp"
      image: "__MYAPP_REPO__:__BUILD_VERSION__"
      - configMapRef:
          name: "myapp-config"
      - secretRef:
          name: "myapp-secrets"
NOTE: ensure your .gitattributes file is committed before committing sensitive files.
git-crypts status -e

Note the secrets file was committed without being encrypted on purpose so that you could see the contents of the file--see the git-crypt docs. Always commit all ./.gitattributes files first, then sensitive files/data.

Deploy Project
  • Deploys myapp to requisite environments controlled/gated by specific branch (and requisite Jenkinsfile code/logic).

  • Each branch has a corresponding environment (with separate kubernetes clusters, kubeconfig files and Jenkinsfile logic, etc.).

  • I.e.: We have development configured here, and you can copy the vars file and build script for each additional env/branch you want.

    • development set to the default github project repo branch.
    • stage
    • production

Example Workflow

  • development branch/environment workflow
    • git co development
    • Update development.vars file and commit to development branch (see Jenkinsfile)
      • Upon git push origin development, the Jenkinsfile will trigger the build of your kubernetes manifests when it executes the: build-development-myapp-manifests script
  • Note: To support additional environments, simply copy and rename this script for each additional desired branch/environment. - I.e.: stage, production, etc.


  • As noted above, simply copy the requisite build script and variables for each additional branch/environment you wish to add to CI/CD

  • I.e.: to add a stage environment/branch

    • git co -b stage
    • cp build-development-myapp-manifests build-stage-myapp-etl-manifests
    • NOTE: Modify requisite vars and logic--i.e.: decide on your git commit/deploy strategy and update the Jenkinsfile, etc. accordingly.
  • production (repeat above notes/steps for stage, but substitute production)