
Fit models of DNA evolution to a collection of two-taxon trees

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


This package fits various models of DNA evolution to a collection of two-taxon trees, each using data from a single pairwise alignment.

In contrast to standard phylogenetic inference programs, fit-star allows the root state of each 2-tree to be fixed to the reference sequence within the pairwise alignment. Additionally, it assumes that each sequence evolved independently from the known start state - along a star-like phylogeny.

This is unusual. For inferring full phylogenies RAxML, PhyML, or FastTree will be more useful.

An application to B cell receptor sequences is described in our preprint on arXiv.



Functionality is separated into two programs:


build-mutation-matrices transforms each aligned sequence in a BAM file to a 4x4 matrix containing counts of each nucleotide substitution.

If multiple alignments are available for a single sequence, and the sequences are sorted by name, each alignment can form a partition to be fit by fit-star.


fit-star fits various evolutionary models (TN93, HKY85, GTR) to the pairwise substitution matrices generated by build-mutation-matrices.

Both model parameters and branch lengths are optimized.

Optimized parameter values and branch lengths are output as JSON.

fit-star is multithreaded using OpenMP, and by default uses all the cores available on your machine. To reduce the number of cores used, set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS.


Assuming all required dependencies are present, just run make.

Binaries will be placed in build/src/.


Assuming all required dependencies are present, just run make test.