Lightweight multi-paradigm PHP (JSON) client for the PipelineDeals API.
- PHP 4 with cURL support.
Handle API calls that allow for Query String parameters. Currently, not supported.
First get your API KEY and pass it to the constructor.
Use the API documentation to see what methods you need GET, PUT, etc
Here is a basic example of the usage
require 'pipelinedeals.php';
$api_key = 'PUT_YOUR_KEY_HERE';
$pdc = new PipelineDealsClient($api_key);
try {
// get all people into array
$people = $pdc->call('GET', 'people.json');
// update a person's first_name
$id = 123;
$person = array("id"=>$id, "first_name"=>"Colin");
$result = $pdc->call('PUT', "people/$id.json", array("person", $person));
} catch(ClientApiException $ex) {
// log error