
Broken repo, no longer seen as a fork of afrl-rq on github, so renamed -- Project for multi-UAV cooperative decision making

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


OpenUxAS is developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory, Aerospace System Directorate, Power and Control Division. The LMCP specification and all source code for OpenUxAS is publicaly released under the Air Force Open Source Agreement Version 1.0. See LICENSE.md for complete details. The Air Force Open Source Agreement closely follows the NASA Open Source Agreement Verion 1.3. NOTE the terms of the license include registering use of the software by emailing afrl.rq.opensource@us.af.mil.


UxAS consists of a collection of modular services that interact via a common message passing architecture. Similar in design to Robot Operating System (ROS), each service subscribes to messages in the system and responds to queries. UxAS uses the open-source library ZeroMQ to connect all services to each other. The content of each message conforms to the Light-weight Message Control Protocol (LMCP) format. Software classes providing LMCP message creation, access, and serialization/deserialization are automatically generated from simple XML description documents (see the LmcpGen project). These same XML descriptions detail the exact data fields, units, and default values for each message. Since all UxAS services communicate with LMCP formatted messages, a developer can quickly determine the input/output data for each service. In a very real sense, the message traffic in the system exposes the interaction of the services that are required to achieve autonomous behavior.

Consider a simple example: the automated construction of the flight pattern to conduct surveillance of geometric lines (e.g. perimeters, roads, coasts). A “line search task” message describes the line to be imaged and the desired camera angle. Using this input description, a line search service calculates the appropriate waypoints to achieve the proper view angle. When the UAV arrives at the first waypoint corresponding to the line search task, the line search service continuously updates the desired camera pointing location to smoothly step the camera along the intended route.

In addition to surveillance pattern automation, UxAS contains services that automate route planning, coordinate behavior among multiple vehicles, connect with external software, validate mission requests, log and diagram message traffic, and optimize task ordering. In all, UxAS has approximately 30 services.

A core functionality provided by UxAS is the mechanism to calculate near-optimal task allocation across teams of unmanned vehicles. With a collection of tasks that require servicing and a pool of vehicles available to service those tasks, UxAS is able to determine which vehicle should do which task in the proper order. This task assignment pipeline is carried out by a series of services working together in a complex sequence.

Quick Start (only if you already have Ubuntu 16.04 LTS installed!!):


mkdir -p /home/$USER/UxAS_pulls
cd /home/$USER/UxAS_pulls
git clone https://github.com/afrl-rq/OpenUxAS.git
cd OpenUxAS
git checkout BRANCH
./checkout_plus_config.sh -d /home/$USER/UxAS_pulls BRANCH

replacing BRANCH with the branch of OpenUxAS that you want (e.g., develop, architecture, rta ...). (It's recommended that you use /home/$USER/UxAS_arch for the directory if you're using the archtiecture branch, rather than /home/$USER/UxAS_pulls for the develop branch.)

Make sure you follow the instructions in the terminal window, and press a key once you're ready to move to the next set of instructions.

(Note that if you see a '$' prompt during install_most_deps.sh, that you'll need to type 'Ctrl-C' and 'Ctrl-D' once each to continue running the script.)

To test OpenUxAS 'example 2', try:

  1. In terminal 1:

    cd /home/$USER/UxAS_pulls/OpenUxAS/examples/02_Example_WaterwaySearch

  2. Press the 'play' button in the AMASE simulation player.

  3. In terminal 2:

    cd /home/$USER/UxAS_pulls/OpenUxAS/examples/02_Example_WaterwaySearch

If you need to recompile OpenUxAS later, try:

cd ~/UxAS_pulls/OpenUxAS
ninja -C build all

If you need to pull the newest versions of the UxAS code from the server and recompile, try:

cd /home/$USER/UxAS_pulls/OpenUxAS
./checkout_plus_config.sh -d /home/$USER/UxAS_pulls BRANCH

replacing BRANCH with the branch of OpenUxAS that you want (e.g., develop, architecture, rta ...).

Alternately, if you change your mind after the fact and want to use (e.g.) the architecture branch for things, try:

cd /home/$USER/UxAS_pulls/OpenUxAS
./checkout_plus_config.sh -d /home/$USER/UxAS_pulls architecture

Prerequisites and Dependencies

The primary tools and dependencies to obtain, build, document, and simulate UxAS are:

  • Git
  • OpenGL
  • UUID library
  • Boost
  • Python 3
  • Meson
  • Ninja
  • LmcpGen
  • OpenAMASE (optional, simulation)
  • NetBeans with Java JDK (optional, simulation)
  • Doxygen (optional, documentation)
  • LaTeX (optional, documentation)

The UxAS build system will download and compile the following external libraries

  • Google Test
  • ZeroMQ (zeromq, czmq, cppzmq, zyre)
  • Sqlite
  • Zlib
  • Minizip
  • Serial

Libraries for XML and GPS message parsing have numerous forks without centralized repository control. Code to build the following libraries is included with UxAS

  • PugiXML
  • TinyGPS

Supported Operating Systems

For an Ubuntu 16.04 or Mac OS X system with the listed prerequisite tools installed, UxAS should build from source without issue. Support for Windows is available on Windows 7 and 10 using Visual Studio.

Installing Prerequisite Tools on Ubuntu Linux -or- Mac OS X (Partially-Automated)

The following is a bash script that helps to partially-automate the "installing prerequisite tools" processes that are documented in this README.md file below.

This has been tested-working on Ubuntu 16.04, as of 2016-05-23.

  1. Download the script from the OpenUxAS repository (install_most_deps.sh) OR cd to your git cloned OpenUxAS directory
  2. Run the script at the terminal: ./install_most_deps.sh
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions

Note that the most up-to-date instructions on the dependencies-needed for UxAS are available below.

Installing Prerequisite Tools on Ubuntu Linux

  1. Install git: in terminal
    • sudo apt-get install git
    • sudo apt-get install gitk
  2. Install OpenGL development headers: in terminal
    • sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev
  3. Install unique ID creation library: in terminal
    • sudo apt-get install uuid-dev
  4. Install Boost libraries (optional but recommended; see external dependencies section): in terminal
    • sudo apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-system-dev
  5. Install doxygen and related packages (optional): in terminal
    • sudo apt-get install doxygen
    • sudo apt-get install graphviz
    • sudo apt-get install texlive
    • sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra
  6. Install pip3: in terminal
    • sudo apt install python3-pip
    • sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip
  7. Install ninja build system: in terminal
    • sudo -H pip3 install ninja
  8. Install meson build configuration: in terminal
    • sudo -H pip3 install meson
  9. Ensure dependency search for meson is supported: in terminal
    • sudo apt-get install pkg-config
  10. Install python plotting capabilities (optional): in terminal
    • sudo apt install python3-tk
    • sudo -H pip3 install matplotlib
    • sudo -H pip3 install pandas
  11. Install NetBeans and Oracle Java JDK (optional)
    • Download the Linux x64 version
    • Run downloaded install script: in terminal
    • cd ~/Downloads; sh jdk-8u131-nb-8_w-linux-x64.sh
    • Click Next three times, then Install
  12. Enable C/C++ plug-in in NetBeans (optional)
    • Open NetBeans (in Ubuntu search, type NetBeans)
    • Choose Tools->Plugins from the top menu
    • In the Available Plugins tab, search for C++
    • Select C/C++ and click Install
  13. Install Oracle Java run-time (required for LmcpGen): in terminal
    • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
    • sudo apt update; sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer
    • sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default

Install Prerequisites on Mac OS X

  1. Install XCode
  2. Enable commandline tools: in terminal xcode-select --install
  3. Install homebrew (must be administrator): in terminal sudo ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  4. Add homebrew to path: in terminal echo $(export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH") >> ~/.bash_profile
  5. Install git: in terminal brew install git
  6. Install unique ID library: in terminal brew install ossp-uuid
  7. Install Boost library and configure it in a fresh shell: in terminal
    • brew install boost
    • echo 'export BOOST_ROOT=/usr/local' >> ~/.bash_profile
    • bash
  8. Install doxygen and related packages (optional): in terminal
    • brew install doxygen
    • brew install graphviz
    • brew cask install mactex
  9. Install pip3: in terminal
    • brew install python3
  10. Install ninja build system: in terminal
    • brew install cmake
    • brew install pkg-config
    • sudo -H pip3 install scikit-build
    • sudo -H pip3 install ninja
  11. Install meson build configuration: in terminal
    • sudo -H pip3 install meson
  12. Install python plotting capabilities (optional): in terminal
    • sudo -H pip3 install matplotlib
    • sudo -H pip3 install pandas
  13. Install Oracle Java run-time (required for LmcpGen)
  14. Install NetBeans and Oracle Java JDK (optional)
    • Download the Mac OSX version
    • Install .dmg
  15. Enable C/C++ plug-in in NetBeans (optional)
    • Open NetBeans
    • Choose Tools->Plugins from the top menu
    • In the Available Plugins tab, search for C++
    • Select C/C++ and click Install

Prep and Build on Native Windows

  1. Install Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition
    • Ensure C++ selected in Workloads tab
    • Ensure Git for Windows is selected in Individual components tab
  2. Install Git with Bash shell
  3. Install Python 3
    • Make sure to check Add Python 3.6 to PATH
    • Choose standard install (Install Now, requires admin)
    • Verify installation by: python --version in cmd prompt
    • Verify pip is also installed: pip --version in cmd prompt
    • If unable to get python on path, follow this answer using location C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\
  4. Install meson
    • In cmd prompt with admin priviledges: pip install meson
  5. Install Boost
    • Note: the above link is for VS2017 pre-compiled libraries. To compile from source, you must install at the location: C:\local\boost_1_64_0
  6. Pull UxAS repositories (from Git Bash shell)
    • git -c http.sslVerify=false clone https://github.com/afrl-rq/OpenUxAS.git
    • git -c http.sslVerify=false clone https://github.com/afrl-rq/LmcpGen.git
  7. Auto-create the UxAS messaging library
    • Download released executable from GitHub
    • Place LmcpGen.jar in LmcpGen/dist folder
    • In the root UxAS directory, run RunLmcpGen.bat
  8. Prepare build
    • Open VS command prompt (Tools -> Visual Studio Command Prompt)
    • python prepare
    • meson.py build --backend=vs
  9. Build project with Visual Studio
    • Open project file OpenUxAS.sln in the OpenUxAS/build directory
    • In the Solution Explorer, right-click the uxas project, and click Build


  • The Visual Studio backend for Meson mostly works, but will fail when regenerating build files. If you modify one of the meson.build files, delete the build directory and run meson.py build --backend=vs again.
  • The UxAS test suite uses some hardcoded POSIX-style paths, and so does not currently work on Windows.

Configure and Build UxAS and Related Projects

Configure UxAS and Related Projects + Building at the Command Line on Ubuntu Linux / Bash on Ubuntu on Windows -or- Mac OS X (Partially-Automated)

The following is a bash script that helps to partially-automate the "configure UxAS and related projects" and "building at the command line" processes that are documented in this README.md file below.

This has been tested-working on Ubuntu 16.04, as of 2016-05-23.

  1. Download these two scripts from the OpenUxAS repository OR cd to your git cloned OpenUxAS directory
    • checkout_plus_config.sh
    • get_dlvsco_wd_f.sh
  2. Run the checkout_plus_config.sh script at the terminal:
    • If you want to download the .jar files for OpenAMASE and LmcpGen, try: ./checkout_plus_config.sh -d
    • If you want to compile the .jar files for OpenAMASE and LmcpGen, try: ./checkout_plus_config.sh -c
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions

Note that this sets up your UxAS workspace under a default directory (/home/$USER/UxAS_pulls). If you want to specify a workspace other than the default, then pass the absolute path to the script as a second argument when calling the script (e.g., ./checkout_plus_config.sh -d /home/$USER/my_checkout_dir).

Configure UxAS and Related Projects

Expected file system layout:

                         OpenAMASE.jar <-- add this here to avoid compilation
                    /example scenarios
               LmcpGen.jar <-- add this here to avoid compilation
  1. EITHER Checkout + compile OpenAMASE (optional)

    • File system layout: OpenAMASE should be a sibling to OpenUxAS (see above)
    1. Checkout: git clone https://github.com/afrl-rq/OpenAMASE.git
    2. Compile: Load provided Netbeans project, click Build

    OR Download OpenAMASE (optional)

    • File system layout: OpenAMASE should be a sibling to OpenUxAS (see above)
    1. Download: from GitHub
    2. Place OpenAMASE.jar in OpenAMASE/OpenAMASE/dist folder
  2. EITHER Checkout + compile LmcpGen

    • File system layout: LmcpGen should be a sibling to OpenUxAS (see above)
    1. Checkout: git clone https://github.com/afrl-rq/LmcpGen.git
    2. Compile: Load provided Netbeans project, click Build

    OR Download LmcpGen

    • File system layout: LmcpGen should be a sibling to OpenUxAS (see above)
    1. Download: from GitHub
    2. Place LmcpGen.jar in LmcpGen/dist folder
  3. Auto-generate source code for LMCP libraries: in terminal in OpenUxAS directory

    • Assuming that in the file system, LmcpGen is at the same level as OpenUxAS (see above)
    • sh RunLmcpGen.sh
  4. Prepare UxAS specific patches to external libraries: in terminal in OpenUxAS directory

    • ./prepare

The above preparation (i.e. ./prepare) needs to be done prior to the first build and any time a file is modified in one of the /3rd/wrap_patches subdirectories or the /3rd/*.wrap.tmpl files.

This also needs to be done any time you move or rename your source tree.

Building at the Command Line

  1. Configure for release build: in terminal
    • meson build --buildtype=release
  2. Configure for debug build: in terminal
    • meson build_debug --buildtype=debug
    • These two steps only need to be done prior to the first build. If you modify the Meson files, just build as normal in step 3 and the changes will be automatically incorporated.
  3. Build UxAS: in terminal
    • ninja -C build all
    • This step is the only step necessary in day-to-day development work. It's the Meson equivalent of make all. Note that the name of ninja may differ by distro. On Fedora, for example, it's ninja-build.
    • To clean the build, add the clean target at the end of your ninja command: ninja -C build clean
  4. Run UxAS tests: in terminal
    • ninja -C build test
    • Confirm all tests passed

Compiling using NetBeans (Debug Mode)

  1. Open NetBeans
  2. Select File->New Project
  3. Choose C/C++ Project with Existing Sources and click Next
  4. Specify the OpenUxAS folder
  5. Select the Custom option under Select Configuration Mode and click Next
  6. No changes under Pre-Build Action, click Next
  7. Set the Clean Command to ninja -C build_debug clean
  8. Set the Build Command to ninja -C build_debug uxas and click Next
  9. No changes under Source Files, click Next
  10. No changes under Code Assistance Configuration, click Next
  11. Change Project Name to UxAS and click Finish

For Linux systems, Netbeans will automatically use the gdb debugger. On Mac OS X, gdb must be installed and signed (see Neil Traft's guide).

Removing External Dependencies

If you ever feel the need to refresh external dependencies, you'll need to remove both the downloaded files and the expanded directories:


This script depends upon the presence of the patch tarballs installed in the /3rd directory by ./prepare.

About External Dependencies

In porting the UxAS build system to Meson/Ninja, we've taken advantage of wrap facility to import and build 3rd-party libraries. The advantage of this approach is that the main UxAS repo no longer needs to contain these libraries.

There are some rough edges. The wrap facility (as of April 2017) was designed to store the necessary metadata on a server operated by the Meson/Ninja maintainers. There's a very short list of wrapped projects available from this server. Worse, the wrap facility is not properly designed for project-local use: "patches" (often, only the necessary meson.build file) are downloaded by the wrap facility, which offers no provision for relative URLs.

Furthermore, the patch file must be in an archive format. This means that the wrapped project's meson.build file must be tarred (actually, the wrap facility will handle other archive formats) for reference from the project's wrap file, and the wrap file must contain a valid SHA256 hash of the patch archive file.

Clearly, this will complicate maintenance. On the plus side, once an external project is properly wrapped, it shouldn't require further work unless you require a different version of the project.

We've taken the approach of stashing valid meson.build files in the 3rd/wrap_patches directory. This is the place to store other patched files (if any) needed for the build of the external project. Note that "patch" does not refer to a context or unified diff, but rather to an archive containing new and changed files that overwrite the unzipped sources. The wrap facility is not able to patch using diff files.

About Boost

Boost is handled slightly differently from the other external dependencies, in that the build system attempts to use a system-provided version of Boost before falling back on the wrap facility as a last resort.

Boost uses a bespoke configuration and build system that is very difficult to replicate with a Meson-based wrap build, and so Meson itself handles Boost differently from other pkg-config-provided system dependencies.

System-provided Boost

We strongly recommend using a system-provided Boost from brew, apt-get, etc. If you have a system-provided boost, but during Meson's configuration phase, you see something like the following, try setting your BOOST_ROOT environment variable to the prefix of your system-installed packages (most likely /usr/local for MacOS with Homebrew):

Dependency Boost (filesystem, regex, system) found: NO

If you have a system-provided Boost but this message still does not go away, open an issue with details of your system configuration.

Boost via Meson wrap

If no system-provided Boost is available, Meson will fall back to using the wrap we maintain alongside the other external dependencies. This will probably work on 64-bit Linux systems, but unexpected trouble may arise on other platforms.

Running the Examples

  1. Assuming that in the file system, OpenAMASE is at the same level as OpenUxAS
  2. Add python package for UxAS plotting (src/Utilities/localcoords)
    • sudo -H python3 setup.py install
  3. Run examples
    • Example 2: Follow README.md in examples/02_Example_WaterwaySearch
    • Example 3: Follow README.md in examples/03_Example_DistributedCooperation

Building the Documentation

Building the Documentation on Ubuntu Linux / Bash on Ubuntu on Windows -or- Mac OS X (Partially-Automated)

The following is a bash script that helps to partially-automate the "building the documentation" processes that are documented in this README.md file below.

This has been tested-working on Ubuntu 16.04, as of 2016-05-23.

  1. Download the script from the OpenUxAS repository (build_documentation.sh) OR cd to your git cloned OpenUxAS directory
  2. Run the script at the terminal: ./build_documentation.sh
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions

Note that this will pop open two html files in your webbrowser and also the pdf manual when run.

Building the Documentation Manually

If you'd like to do this process manually, then:

  1. The User Manual can be generated by running: pdflatex UxAS_UserManual.tex in the folder doc/reference/UserManual/
  2. Create HTML Doxygen reference documenation:
    • Open terminal in directory doc/doxygen
    • sh RunDoxygen.sh
    • In newly created html folder, open index.html
  3. Doxygen PDF reference manual can be created by:
    • Copy the line from ExtraLineToFixLatex.txt into doc/doxygen/latex/refman.tex just above the line %===== C O N T E N T S =====
    • In the folder doc/doxygen/latex run the command pdflatex refman.tex
    • The complete reference manual can be found at doc/doxygen/latex/refman.pdf

Branching and Repository Management

The OpenUxAS branching model addresses the following concerns:

  • We have a stable branch that always builds and passes tests
  • Multiple collaborative teams can proceed with their development independently
  • Discrete features can be contributed to the main line of OpenUxAS development, and these can be integrated into other teams' ongoing work
  • Until OpenUxAS is public, all teams can use the afrl-rq organization's Travis-CI account for continuous integration

To address these concerns, OpenUxAS uses a variant on the Git Flow, GitLab Flow, and GitHub flow models.

Because OpenUxAS does not yet have a fixed cycle of releases, we do not need the additional complexity of hotfix/ and release/ branches present in Git Flow. However, since a number of collaborating teams work on OpenUxAS simultaneously, it makes sense to have long-lived branches for each team, rather than only having feature branches and a stable branch.

This README does not go into detail about the various Flow models, but instead provides instructions for common scenarios. We encourage you to read about the Flow models to get more of a sense for the "why"; here we are focusing on the "how".

Quick Overview

The repository will typically have a branching structure like the following:

  • master
    • very stable, only updated by pull request from develop
  • develop
    • stable, only updated by pull request from feature branches
  • teamA
    • team branch for Team A
    • stable at the discretion of Team A
    • updated by merging in feature branches and develop
  • teamA-feature1
    • feature branch for Team A
    • when finished, merged into develop via pull request
  • teamB
  • teamB-feature1
  • etc.

Team Branches

The team branch is the branch off of which your team will work. It serves the role of the develop branch of Git Flow or the master branch of GitLab and GitHub Flow. This branch is never intended to be directly merged back into develop, but feature branches based off of it will be.

If you have experience with these models, this concept probably seems odd. Eventually, we would like to replace these team branches with entire repo forks for each team, but until OpenUxAS is public, this would prevent forks from using the afrl-rq Travis-CI account.


Start by creating a new branch that will serve as the active development branch for your team. This step should only be necessary once for your team; this branch is meant to be long-lived as opposed to a feature branch that is quickly merged in and deleted.

$ git checkout develop
$ git checkout -b teamA


You will want to regularly incorporate the latest changes from the develop branch in your team branch. This reduces the pain when merging your team's changes back into develop.

Start by making sure your local develop branch is up-to-date:

$ git checkout develop
$ git pull

Then merge the updated develop with your team branch:

$ git checkout teamA
$ git merge develop

Feature Branches

Feature branches are shorter-lived branches meant to encompass a particular effort or feature addition. These branches will be the means for you to incorporate your team's changes into the main develop branch via pull requests.

Feature branches will always be based off of your team branch, so if your team branch has commits you would like to see in develop, you can simply create a new feature branch and begin the pull request process right away.


To help the OpenUxAS maintainers know which branches belong to which teams, feature branches should be named using your team name as a prefix, for example teamA-feature1.


Create a feature branch by checking it out off of your team branch. Note that it will save you some effort at the later merge to update your team branch from develop first.

$ git checkout teamA
$ get checkout -b teamA/feature1

Merging to Team Branch

For a long-running feature branch, you may want to occasionally merge it back into your team branch so it can be shared within your team before it's ready to be merged into develop.

$ git checkout teamA
$ git merge teamA/feature1

Merging to develop

You cannot directly merge a feature branch into develop, because it is protected. Instead, open a pull request from the feature branch into develop, and your changes will be merged after review.

It is a good idea to update your team branch and delete your feature branch once it is merged into develop.

$ git checkout develop
$ git pull
$ git checkout teamA
$ git merge develop
$ git push origin --delete teamA/feature1
$ git branch -d teamA/feature1