
R wrapper for Spectral Modularity method contained in CDMSuite.

To install in R, on the command line, using:

R CMD INSTALL CDMSuite_0.1.0.tar.gz

Or in R using:

install.packages("CDMSuite_0.1.0.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")

To R in R:


res <- spectral(DF=edCC, CnMIN=CnMIN)

oo <- cbind(res$ID, res$K)

Where, edCC is the edge list of the input network's Largest Connected Component

Might run into "Error: segfault from C stack overflow" running in R.

  1. Check C stack size in R> Cstack_info()
  2. Can increase size on command line using $ ulimit -s 65535
  3. Restart R and try again.