Saltstack Salt-Master on CentOS7

A Docker image which allows you to run salt-master service.

Running the Container

You can easily run the container like so:

docker run --rm -it cmconner156/salt-master


There are several volumes:

  • /srv/salt - your states, pillars etc.
  • /etc/salt/master.d - master configuration
  • /etc/salt/pki - salt-minion authentication keys
  • /var/log/salt - salts log directory
  • /var/cache/salt - job and minion data cache

Sharing Local Folders

To share folders on your local system so you can have your own master configuration, states, pillars etc use:

docker run -d                                \
    -v /path/to/salt/conf:/etc/salt/master.d \
    -v /path/to/salt/roots:/srv/salt         \
    -v salt-master-logs:/var/log/salt        \
    -v salt-master-cache:/var/salt/cache     \
    -v salt-master-pki:/etc/salt/pki         \
    --name salt-master                       \


The following ports are exposed:

  • 4505
  • 4506

Running Salt Commands

Once installed run:

$ CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d cmconner156/salt-master)
$ docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID bash
$ root@CONTAINER_ID:~# salt-key -L
$ root@CONTAINER_ID:~# salt '*'
$ root@CONTAINER_ID:~# salt '*' grains.items

Docker CentOS 7 Salt Master