
Kustomization for deploying OpenShift API for Data Protection operator

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kustomization for Deploying OpenShift API for Data Protection Operator

See also oadp operator documentation.

Deploying OADP Operator

$ oc apply --kustomize oadp-operator/base

Velero Client

Configure Velero client to use non-default namespace oadp-operator:

$ velero client config set namespace=oadp-operator

Velero client configuration file can be found at ~/.config/velero/config.json

Backup and Restore of CSI Volumes

The respective volumesnapshotclass must have the velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class=true label:

$ oc label \
    volumesnapshotclass \
    ocs-storagecluster-rbdplugin-snapclass velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class=true

Create a test project:

$ oc new-project volume-test

Create a PVC to back up:

$ oc create --filename - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: myvolume
  storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Mi

Create a backup:

$ velero backup create mybackup --include-namespaces volume-test

Check the backup status:

$ oc get backup -n oadp-operator mybackup -o yaml

Create a test restore project:

$ oc new-project volume-test-restore

Restore the backup:

$ velero restore create \
    myrestore \
    --from-backup mybackup \
    --namespace-mappings volume-test:volume-test-restore

Check the restore status:

$ oc get restore -n oadp-operator myrestore -o yaml

Delete the backup from the S3 storage. After that, delete the backup in OpenShift:

$ oc delete backup -n oadp-operator mybackup

Backup and Restore of vSphere Volumes

Create a test project:

$ oc new-project volume-test

Create a PVC to back up:

$ oc create --filename - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: myvolume
  storageClassName: thin-csi
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Mi

Create a backup:

$ velero backup create \
    mybackup \
    --include-namespaces volume-test \
    --snapshot-volumes \
    --volume-snapshot-locations vsphere

Check the backup status:

$ oc get backup -n oadp-operator mybackup -o yaml

Check that the backup was correctly uploaded into the S3 storage:

$ oc get upload -n oadp-operator -o yaml upload-77b1db62-ad5d-41bb-a867-72392fac816e

Create a test restore project:

$ oc new-project volume-test-restore

Restore the backup:

$ velero restore create \
    myrestore \
    --from-backup mybackup \
    --namespace-mappings volume-test:volume-test-restore

Check the restore status:

$ oc get restore -n oadp-operator myrestore -o yaml

Check the backup download status:

$ oc get download -n oadp-operator -o yaml download-916f7fba-39d4-4a96-bc64-770d931b6c2a-3205911d-6026-4d09-a8da-ab3c4dba4992

Delete the backup from the S3 storage. After that, delete the backup in OpenShift:

$ oc delete backup -n oadp-operator mybackup


Scale the oadp operator down to zero replicas:

$ oc edit csv oadp-operator.v0.4.0

Add --log-level=debug to the server command-line:

$ oc edit deploy velero