Example Uber app for developers


What Is This?

This is a simple Python/Flask application intended to provide a working example of Uber's external API. The goal of these endpoints is to be simple, well-documented and to provide a base for developers to develop other applications off of.

How To Use This

  1. Navigate over to https://developer.uber.com/, and sign up for an Uber developer account.
  2. Register a new Uber application and make your Redirect URI http://localhost:7000/submit
  3. Fill in the relevant information in the config.json file in the root folder and add your client id and secret as the environment variables UBER_CLIENT_ID AND UBER_CLIENT_SECRET. Run 'export UBER_CLIENT_ID="YOUR_CLIENT_ID"&&export UBER_CLIENT_SECRET="YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"'
  4. Run ‘pip install -r requirements.txt’ to install dependencies
  5. Run ‘python app.py’
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:7000 in your browser


  1. Install the dependencies with ‘pip install -r requirements.txt’
  2. Run the command ‘nosetests -v’
  3. If you delete the fixtures, or decide to add some of your own, you’ll have to re-generate them, and the way this is done is by running the app, getting an auth_token from the main page of the app. Paste that token in place of the ‘test_auth_token’ at the top of the test_endpoints.py file, then run the tests.


If you want to work on this application we’d love your pull requests and tickets on GitHub!

  1. If you open up a ticket, please make sure it describes the problem or feature request fully.
  2. If you send us a pull request, make sure you add a test for what you added, and make sure the full test suite runs with nosetests -v.

Making Requests

The base for all requests is https://api.uber.com/v1/, to find a list of all available endpoints, please visit: https://developer.uber.com/v1/endpoints/