
A Temperature Recoder with LM75A(TI) using wiringPi/wiringOP I2C library.

Primary LanguageMakefile


A Temperature Recoder with LM75A(TI) using wiringPi/wiringOP I2C library.


Install wiringPi on your Raspberry or wiringOP on your orangePi.

  • relative link:

Quick Test

The following command should show you a pin map which means library works well.

gpio readAll

The following command will give you a LED blinker at pin 2 that defined in Pi's pin map.

make blinker
sudo ./blinker

Run the code

  • connect LM75 VCC3.3/VCC5.0 GND I2C SDA pins and
make lm75
sudo ./blinker
  • Caution: we are using SDA.1 SCL.1 (I2C port 2) by default.
