
Ansible playbook to setup an Eth2 validator using Lighthouse

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Ethereum 2 Validator Playbook (Medalla Testnet!)

This playbook configures a target system to run an Ethereum 2 beacon node and validator client using Lighthouse. Everything is currently setup to run on the Medalla testnet.

I wrote this for my own use so that I can quickly re/configure a validator from scratch if need be. I'm happy to share it, and hopefully it can be of use to others in the community.

Most of the playbook is based on Somer Esat's very helpful Lighthouse staking guide. Parts of Sigma Prime's Lighthouse Book also came in handy.

Test Setup

Automation loves to break. So while an attempt was made to keep things somewhat general, nothing is guaranteed unless your setup is 110% exactly the same as mine 😉

  • Target System
    • Quad-core x86_64 processor, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, wired gigabit ethernet
    • Fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Desktop (x86_64)
    • A non-root admin user available (sudo access)
    • SSH already setup with public key auth
  • Controller System
    • Ansible 2.9.11 running from macOS


  • As is this playbook is x86_64 only (sorry Raspberry Pi). It's probably fairly close to working on ARM assuming that rustup works, but some of the downloads are also currently x86_64 specific.
  • As is this playbook will only work on Ubuntu (or Debian-based) distributions. The main Debian-specific parts are the use of apt and the modification of /etc/login.defs.



If the target system's admin user is named ubuntu and SSH is running on the default port usage is pretty mundane. No, that comma after the IP address is not a typo.

NOTE: Ansible will ask for a "become" password, which is the target system's admin password needed to use sudo.

$ ansible-playbook validator.yml -i <target system ip>, --ask-become-pass


To specify a differently named admin user the PLAYBOOK_USER environment variable can be used. A different SSH port can also be specified after the IP address.

In this example our admin user is satoshi, our IP address is, and our SSH port is 2222. Again, the comma after the port number is not a typo.

$ PLAYBOOK_USER=satoshi ansible-playbook validator.yml -i, --ask-become-pass


You should be able to manage multiple systems with a playbook like this and an inventory file, but I haven't tested it.

Post-Playbook Stuff

  • The playbook will not setup your validator keys with Lighthouse. This should be done as the lhvc user, which can be accessed with the login-lhvc.sh convenience script. When importing validator keys the value of --datadir should be /var/lib/lighthouse.
  • If you want to setup graffiti for a POAP, modify the command in the systemd file at /etc/systemd/system/lighthouse-beacon-node.service.
  • None of the new systemd services are configured to start on boot. Services that people probably want to enable at boot:
    • geth.service
    • lighthouse-beacon-node.service
    • lighthouse-validator-client.service
    • prometheus.service
    • node_exporter.service
    • grafana-server.service
  • Login to Grafana and change the default admin password! The default login is just admin/admin. Grafana runs on port 3000 with HTTPS.
  • The Grafana install has nothing setup. Refer to the Grafana section in Somer Esat's guide to get an initial dashboard up and running.
  • Lighthouse is installed globally just like in Somer Esat's guide, and consequently the binary will need to be manually copied over to /usr/local/bin/ whenever a new version is built. The source code is placed at ~/src/lighthouse in the admin user's home directory.

Changes from Somer Esat's Guide

  • Restrictive umasks are set to prevent global readable files from being created by mistake.
  • None of the new systemd services are configured to start on boot.
  • The Go Ethereum user/group name is geth.
  • The Lighthouse beacon node user/group name is lhbn.
  • The Lighthouse beacon node systemd service name is lighthouse-beacon-node.service.
  • The Lighthouse validator client user/group name is lhvc.
  • The Lighthouse validator client systemd service name is lighthouse-validator-client.service.
  • Both the lhbn and lhvc users are members of a common lighthouse group.
  • Prometheus and node_exporter run under a single user/group named metrics.
  • A self-signed certificate is generated and Grafana is configured to run over HTTPS.
  • A set of convenience scripts are installed for the admin user at ~/bin for tailing logs and switching to other users.

Upgrading from Lighthouse 0.2.x

Previous versions of this playbook installed Lighthouse version 0.2.x. The playbook now uses Lighthouse version 0.3 which brings breaking database changes and also changes to how the data directory is handled. Older installations can be upgraded with this current playbook, but some manual intervention will be required afterwards.

  • The data directories have moved from /var/lib/lhbn and /var/lib/lhvc to sub-directories under /var/lib/lighthouse. This playbook will create the new data directory for you and leave the old locations intact.
  • The beacon node will need to be resync'd from scratch. Because the data directory is now at a different location this will happen automatically when the beacon node service is started.
  • After the beacon node successfully synchronizes with the head state of the chain, the contents of /var/lib/lhvc need to be copied into /var/lib/lighthouse/validators. The file paths inside validator_definitions.yml will also need to be updated to reflect the new data directory path.
  • Once you have verified that your beacon node and validator client are up and running again with the new version of Lighthouse feel free to delete the /var/lib/lhbn and /var/lib/lhvc directories to reclaim disk space.

Casual Disclaimer

This software is provided as is with no warranty. It might burn your house down.


If people feel so inclined 💌

  • ETH: 0x892D1Abc31B960309886068e40eEdEE5A2125547

Please also consider tipping Somer Esat for writing the original guide 🦄