
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Plaid Quickstart with Node/Express and React (no database)

This app uses the Plaid API to connect to a sample bank account to load transactions. This is set up with ReactJS on the front end and NodeJS/Express on the backend.

Follow the instructions below, then head over to my blog for the remaining steps!

cd server and run npm install
cd client and run npm install

You will need to create a free Plaid account to get keys. Once you have the keys, you need to create the keys file:
Under server: cd config
touch keys.js
In the file, add the following:

module.exports = {

If you want to push your work to Github, remember to hide your keys:
Under server: touch .gitignore
In .gitignore add keys.js

To run both servers, run npm run dev from the server folder. Remember, you will need to follow the instructions on the blog before you can enter any credentials.

When prompted, add the following test credentials:
username: user_good
password: pass_good