
Tabbed views for Sphinx

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

sphinx-tabs Build Status

Create tabbed content in Sphinx documentation when building HTML.

For example, see the [Raw] code of test/index.rst which generates the following:

A live demo can be found here: https://djungelorm.github.io/sphinx-tabs/



pip install sphinx-tabs

To enable the extension in Sphinx, add the following to your conf.py:

extensions = ['sphinx_tabs.tabs']

Basic Tabs

Basic tabs can be coded as follows:

.. tabs::

   .. tab:: Apples

      Apples are green, or sometimes red.

   .. tab:: Pears

      Pears are green.

   .. tab:: Oranges

      Oranges are orange.


Grouped Tabs

Tabs can be grouped, so that changing the current tab in one area changes the current tab in the another area. For example:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Linux

      Linux Line 1

   .. group-tab:: Mac OSX

      Mac OSX Line 1

   .. group-tab:: Windows

      Windows Line 1

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Linux

      Linux Line 1

   .. group-tab:: Mac OSX

      Mac OSX Line 1

   .. group-tab:: Windows

      Windows Line 1

Group Tabs

Code Tabs

Tabs containing code areas with syntax highlighting can be created as follows:

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: c

         int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
           return 0;

   .. code-tab:: c++

         int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
           return 0;

   .. code-tab:: py

         def main():

   .. code-tab:: java

         class Main {
             public static void main(String[] args) {

   .. code-tab:: julia

         function main()

   .. code-tab:: fortran

         PROGRAM main
         END PROGRAM main

Code Tabs