
Bundle to visualise doctrine mapping with yuml in Symfony2

Primary LanguagePHP


Bundle to visualise doctrine entities graph with yuml in Symfony2

This bundle is based on Marco Pivetta's work for zend doctrine ORM Module and zend developper tools It uses the yuml api to display your project's objects mapping.


Installing this bundle can be done through these simple steps:

  • Add this bundle to your project as a composer dependency:
    // composer.json
        // ...
        require: {
            // ...
            "onurb/doctrine-yuml-bundle": "~1.0"
  • Declare the bundle in your application kernel:
    // app/AppKernel.php
    public function registerBundles()
        // ...
        if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
            // ...

            $bundles[] = new Onurb\Bundle\YumlBundle\OnurbYumlBundle();
        return $bundles;
  • Add this route in your global routing_dev configuration of course, you can add a prefix if you want
    # app/config/routing_dev.yml

    # ...
        resource: "@OnurbYumlBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
        prefix:   /my_prefix/

configure access to the yuml route (if you use security of course)


Click on Doctrine icon added in the dev toolbar.

Run the yuml:mappings console command to save the image locally.