
Translates URL query parameters for Mongoose, Express, and MongoDb

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Converts URL query string into a Mongoose friendly object. Create and object with key values for Mongoose options and filtering.

This library was build using this mongoose-query-parser as a starting point. Thank you for the good work. It was used as a starting point to develop this for a custom application.


  • Supports the most of MongoDB operators ($in, $regexp, $exists) and features including skip, sort, limit, population
  • Additionally, there is a key word of page that can be applied in order to work with mongoose-paginate
  • Auto type casting of Number, RegExp, Date, Boolean and null
  • String templates/predefined queries (i.e. firstName=${my_vip_list})
  • Allows customization of keys and options in query string


npm i @cmddevelop/query-parameters



import { QueryParser } from '@cmddevelop/query-parameters';

const parser = new QueryParser(options?: ParserOptions)
parser.parse(query: string, predefined: any) : QueryOptions
  • ParserOptions: object for advanced options (See below) [optional]
  • query: query string part of the requested API URL (ie, firstName=John&limit=10). Works with already parsed object too (ie, {status: 'success'}) [required]
  • predefined: object for predefined queries/string templates [optional]


  • QueryOptions: object contains the following properties:
    • filter which contains the query criteria
    • populate which contains the query population. Please see Mongoose Populate for more details
    • select which contains the query projection
    • sort, skip, limit which contains the cursor modifiers for paging purpose

Filtering operators

MongoDB URI Example Result
$eq key=val type=public {filter: {type: 'public'}}
$gt key>val count>5 {filter: {count: {$gt: 5}}}
$gte key>=val rating>=9.5 {filter: {rating: {$gte: 9.5}}}
$lt key<val createdAt<2017-10-01 {filter: {createdAt: {$lt: 2017-09-30T14:00:00.000Z}}}
$lte key<=val score<=-5 {filter: {score: {$lte: -5}}}
$ne key!=val status!=success {filter: {status: {$ne: 'success'}}}
$in key=val1,val2 country=GB,US {filter: {country: {$in: ['GB', 'US']}}}
$nin key!=val1,val2 lang!=fr,en {filter: {lang: {$nin: ['fr', 'en']}}}
$exists key phone {filter: {phone: {$exists: true}}}
$exists !key !email {filter: {email: {$exists: false}}}
$regex key=/value/<opts> email=/@gmail\.com$/i {filter: {email: /@gmail.com$/i}}
$regex key!=/value/<opts> phone!=/^06/ {filter: {phone: { $not: /^06/}}}

For more advanced usage ($or, $type, $elemMatch, etc.), pass any MongoDB query filter object as JSON string in the filter query parameter, ie:

Populate operators

  • Useful to populate sub-document(s) in query. Works with MongooseJS. Please see Mongoose Populate for more details
  • Allows to populate only selected fields
  • Default operator key is populate

Skip / Limit / Page operators

  • Useful to limit the number of records returned
  • Default operator keys are skip or page, and limit