- vim juiced, plugin party blessed by Dionysus to beget his insane son... Vionysus!!
- uses ansible for a standard vim ide setup, only for centos/rhel
- git clone this repo
- passwordless sudo set
- install openssh
yum install -y openssh-server openssh
- restart sshd
sudo service sshd restart
- install ansible
sudo yum install -y epel-release ansible
- add host to ansible hosts:
sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts
- copy keys to remote/local
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/key.pub <user>@<hostname>
cd <path to this repo>
ansible-playbook playVim.yaml
Installs and configures the following plugins using pathogen, No further setup required:
- pythonmode - python ide
- Syntastic - syntax check
- Vim-airline - vim status bar
- Tagbar - function gotos/list
- Nerdtree - treeview of files
- fzf - slick fuzzy word finder
- Delimitmate - closes parenthesis
- YouCompleteMe - autocomplete, gotos
- tern_for_vim - js autocomplete, method show
- vim awesome-colorschemes - awesome colourschemes
to add more plugins:
cd <path to this repo>
vi vim/tasks/main.yaml
add a new line to the repo dict, example:
- given that the plugin repo is: https://github.com/
insert as below:
- { name: "junegunn", dest: "fzf" }
- { name: "majutsushi", dest: "tagbar" }
- { name: "scrooloose", dest: "nerdtree" }
- { name: "Raimondi", dest: "delimitMate" }
- { name: "vim-syntastic", dest: "syntastic" }
- { name: "vim-airline", dest: "vim-airline" }
- { name: "Valloric", dest: "YouCompleteMe" }
- { name: "someName", dest: "repo" }
make changes to .vimrc file in vim/files/.vimrc
if required, then follow steps in run section
you shouldn't require further setup but for customisation checkout plugin sources: