
bs4 / beautifulsoup4 docs example generated by sphinx-autoapi + furo theme

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bs4 / beautifulsoup4 docs example generated by sphinx-autoapi + furo theme

Online demo: https://cmdlineluser.github.io/beautifulsoup4-docs/

Screenshot 2023-08-05 at 13 56 31

Created with https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi

python3 -m pip install sphinx sphinx-autoapi furo

wget https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/download/4.12/beautifulsoup4-4.12.2.tar.gz
tar xf beautifulsoup4-4.12.2.tar.gz

cd beautifulsoup4-4.12.2/

I then ran:

sphinx-quickstart docs

I then edited docs/source/conf.py to use autoapi and the furo theme:

extensions = ['autoapi.extension']
autoapi_dirs = ['../../bs4']

html_theme = 'furo'

I then ran:

sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build

This then creates docs/build/index.html