React test for Senior Frontend Developer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


You’ve been commissioned to build DoveBox: a user interface for our latest flock of doves. Our Space Captains will use DoveBox to control the doves (which are actually Earth-imaging satellites, not birds) in orbit. We’ve provided our advanced API and database to help you get started.

Implement a React application that does the following:

  • Displays a table of Doves on pageload, populated by the API
  • Has a Search component to query the API for Doves based on their properties, and displays results in the above-mentioned table.
  • Has a form to add new Doves to the database
  • Add another feature that incorporates the API in some way.


  • You should use a flux-like architecture for managing state.
  • You may import whatever React elements you wish.
  • Have fun!

Set-up instructions

Clone this repo and run npm install in the root directory to install our JSON-server npm package. (Note: you do not need to install JSON-server separately!) Run npm start to initialize the dummy API server. While it's running, you can access the API via localhost:3000. Navigating to that page in a browser will show the API spec.

To submit your app email us at: darcy@planet.com with a link to your repo. If you have questions or issues with the test, please let us know.


React / Redux implementation of Planet's DoveBox


This DoveBox:

  1. Displays a table of doves, retrieved from db.json and fetched on App mount.
  2. Filters table by Dove properties using search component
  3. Can add, edit and delete doves


To build, run the follow commands:

npm install
npm run build
npm start


Directories and Components

public - public folder (index.html, css, db.json, bundle.js)
src - components and redux folder
  - App
   - Header
       - AddModal
             - AddForm
   - Main
       - Search
       - Dovelist
             - DoveEntry
   - store
   - reducers


  • React - UI library
  • Redux - state management
  • Semantic UI - CSS Framework
  • JSON-server - faux REST API
  • Webpack - code bundler