Red Hat Forum Spain 2018
Use ARM tempalte from: Microsoft/openshift-origin
And run the following commands:
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n openshiftcloudprovider --password [changeme] --role contributor
az group create -n RedHat2018 -l westeurope
az keyvault create -n RedHatSpain2018 -g RedHat2018 -l westeurope --enabled-for-template-deployment true
az keyvault secret set --vault-name RedHatSpain2018 -n secret --file ..\id_rsa
az group create --name OpenShift2018 --location westeurope
az group deployment create --resource-group OpenShift2018 --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json --no-wait
Follow instructions shown here: dwmkerr/terraform-aws-openshift
Run the following commands for each Openshift Cluster:
oc new-project osba
oc process -f -p ENVIRONMENT=AzurePublicCloud -p AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=[changeme] -p AZURE_TENANT_ID=[changeme] -p AZURE_CLIENT_ID=http://openshiftcloudprovider -p AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=[changeme] | oc create -f -
Download the Couchbase Autonomous Operator 1.0 for Red Hat OpenShift from:
Extract and run run the following commands for each Openshift Cluster:
oc create -f crd.yaml
oc create secret docker-registry rh-catalog --docker-username=[changeme] --docker-password=[changeme] --docker-email=[changeme]
oc create -f cluster-role-sa.yaml
oc create serviceaccount couchbase-operator --namespace default
oc secrets add serviceaccount/couchbase-operator secrets/rh-catalog --for=pull
oc secrets add serviceaccount/default secrets/rh-catalog --for=pull
oc create clusterrolebinding couchbase-operator-rolebinding --clusterrole couchbase-operator --serviceaccount default:couchbase-operator
Run the following commands for each Openshift Cluster:
oc create -f operator.yaml -n default
oc create -f secret.yaml
bin\cbopctl.exe create -f couchbase-cluster.yaml
From de K8s folder of this repo, run the following commands for each Openshift Cluster:
oc apply -f .\postgresql-instance.yaml
oc apply -f .\postgresql-binding.yaml
Build the image from the src directory of this:
docker build -t [openshift registry name]/default/redhatforum:0.1.0 .
docker push [openshift registry name]/default/redhatforum:0.1.0
For each Openshift Cluster, deploy the application from the k8s folder of this repo running:
oc apply -f temperature.yaml