Pinned Repositories
Mapping conifer regeneration 30-years after high-severity wildfire in the Northern Rocky Mountains utilizing snow-cover LANDSAT imagery, R, and Google Earth Engine
This project utilizes Python and LANDSAT 8 data of the Cameron Peak Fire to identify change in burned area over time, calculate areas of burn severity, and assess the distribution of level-4 ecoregions located within the fire.
Analyzing trends in NDVI, NDMI, and NDSI in burned and unburned areas of the 2002 Hayman Fire in R. This assessment seeks to identify differences in the two areas over time, and how they were respectively impacted by the fire.
This code utilizes long-term data collected by Center for Snow and Avalanche Studies at their Senator Beck and Swamp Angel Study Plots to investigate differences in trends of temperature and precipitation over time
Exploring sf and spatial operations in R with LAGOS lake data to examine number of records, Chlorophyll A concentration, and secchi disk depth.
Uses PRISM weather and NASS crop yield data to investigate trends in corn and soy production over time across various Iowa counties
cmenick's Repositories
Mapping conifer regeneration 30-years after high-severity wildfire in the Northern Rocky Mountains utilizing snow-cover LANDSAT imagery, R, and Google Earth Engine
This project utilizes Python and LANDSAT 8 data of the Cameron Peak Fire to identify change in burned area over time, calculate areas of burn severity, and assess the distribution of level-4 ecoregions located within the fire.
Analyzing trends in NDVI, NDMI, and NDSI in burned and unburned areas of the 2002 Hayman Fire in R. This assessment seeks to identify differences in the two areas over time, and how they were respectively impacted by the fire.
This code utilizes long-term data collected by Center for Snow and Avalanche Studies at their Senator Beck and Swamp Angel Study Plots to investigate differences in trends of temperature and precipitation over time
Uses PRISM weather and NASS crop yield data to investigate trends in corn and soy production over time across various Iowa counties
Exploring sf and spatial operations in R with LAGOS lake data to examine number of records, Chlorophyll A concentration, and secchi disk depth.