LeetCode Problems (https://leetcode.com/)
- 0001 Two Sum
- 0002 Add Two Numbers
- 0003 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- 0004 Median of Two Sorted Arrays
- 0005 Longest Palindromic Substring
- 0006 ZigZag Conversion
- 0009 Palindrome Number
- 0011 Container With Most Water
- 0012 Integer to Roman
- 0013 Roman to Integer
- 0017 Letter Combination of a Phone Number
- 0019 Remove Nth Node From End of List
- 0020 Valid Parentheses
- 0021 Merge Two Sorted Lists
- 0022 Generate Parentheses
- 0023 Merge k Sorted Lists
- 0024 Swap Nodes in Pairs
- 0026 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- 0027 Remove Element
- 0029 Divide Two Integers
- 0031 Next Permutation
- 0033 Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- 0034 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
- 0035 Search Insert Position
- 0038 Count and Say
- 0039 Combination Sum
- 0046 Permutations
- 0048 Rotate Image
- 0049 Group Anagrams
- 0053 Maximum Subarray
- 0055 Jump Game
- 0056 Merge Intervals
- 0066 Plus One
- 0067 Add Binary
- 0069 Sqrt(x)
- 0070 Climbing Stairs
- 0072 Edit Distance
- 0074 Search a 2D Matrix
- 0075 Sort Colors
- 0078 Subsets
- 0079 Word Search
- 0088 Merge Sorted Array
- 0091 Decode Ways
- 0094 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
- 0100 Same Tree
- 0102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
- 0107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II
- 0118 Pascal's Triangle
- 0121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- 0122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
- 0125 Valid Palindrome
- 0131 Palindrome Positioning
- 0136 Single Number
- 0138 Copy List with Random Pointer
- 0141 Linked List Cycle
- 0143 Reorder List
- 0144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
- 0145 Binary Tree Postorder Traverlsal
- 0151 Reverse Words in a String
- 0152 Maximum Product Subarray
- 0155 Min Stack
- 0160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists
- 0169 Majority Element
- 0172 Factorial Trailing Zeroes
- 0189 Rotate Array
- 0198 House Robber
- 0202 Happy Number
- 0203 Remove Linked List Elements
- 0204 Count Primes
- 0205 Isomorphic Strings
- 0206 Reverse Linked List
- 0208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
- 0217 Contains Duplicate
- 0219 Contains Duplicate II
- 0225 Implement Stack using Queues
- 0226 Invert Binary Tree
- 0227 Basic Calculator II
- 0230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST
- 0231 Power of Two
- 0232 Implement Queue using Stacks
- 0234 Palindrome Linked List
- 0237 Delete Node in a Linked List
- 0238 Product of Array Except Self
- 0242 Valid Anagram
- 0258 Add Digits
- 0268 Missing Number
- 0278 First Bad Version
- 0283 Move Zeroes
- 0287 Find the Duplicate Number
- 0292 Nim Game
- 0322 Coin Change
- 0328 Odd Even Linked List
- 0344 Reverse String
- 0345 Reverse Vowels of a String
- 0347 Top K Frequent Elements
- 0349 Intersection of Two Arrays
- 0350 Intersection of Two Arrays II
- 0367 Valid Perfect Square
- 0371 Sum of Two Integers
- 0373 Find K Pairs with Smallers Sums
- 0383 Ransom Note
- 0385 Mini Parser
- 0387 First Unique Character in a String
- 0392 Is Subsequence
- 0402 Remove K Digits
- 0412 Fizz Buzz
- 0443 String Compression
- 0448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array
- 0451 Sort Characters By Frequency
- 0463 Island Perimeter
- 0476 Number Complement
- 0496 Next Greater Element I
- 0500 Keyboard Row
- 0503 Next Greater Element II
- 0525 Contiguous Array
- 0540 Single Element in a Sorted Array
- 0543 Diameter of Binary Tree
- 0557 Reverse Words in a String III
- 0560 Subarray Sum Equals K
- 0605 Can Place Flowers
- 0617 Merge Two Binary Trees
- 0657 Robot Return to Origin
- 0665 Non Decreasing Array
- 0674 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence
- 0678 Valid Parenthesis String
- 0692 Top K Frequent Words
- 0700 Search in a Binary Search Tree
- 0704 Binary Search
- 0705 Design Hash Set
- 0707 Design Linked List
- 0709 To Lower Case
- 0733 Flood Fill
- 0739 Daily Temperatures
- 0771 Jewels and Stones
- 0844 Backspace String Compare
- 0849 Maximize Distance to Closest Person
- 0852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array
- 0856 Score of Parentheses
- 0872 Leaf-Similar Trees
- 0876 Middle of the Linked List
- 0881 Boats to Save People
- 0890 Find and Replace Pattern
- 0941 Valid Mountain Array
- 0961 N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array
- 0981 Time Based Key-Value Store
- 0993 Cousins in Binary Tree
- 0997 Find the Town Judge
- 1014 Best Sightseeing Pair
- 1021 Remove Outermost Parentheses
- 1029 Two City Scheduling
- 1046 Last Stone Weight
- 1047 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String
- 1051 Height Checker
- 1108 Defanging an IP Address
- 1137 N-th Tribonacci Number
- 1160 Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters
- 1189 Maximum Number of Balloons
- 1207 Unique Number of Occurrences
- 1281 Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer
- 1317 Convert Integer to the Sum of Two No-Zero Integers
- 1356 Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits
- 1360 Number of Days Between Two Dates
- 1362 Closest Divisors
- 1366 Rank Team by Votes
- 1370 Increasing Decreasing String
- 1374 Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts
- 1380 Lucky Numbers in a Matrix
- 1399 Count Largest Group
- 1400 Construct K Palindrome Strings
- 1401 Circle and Rectangle Overlapping
- 1426 Counting Elements
- 1427 Perform String Shifts
- 1431 Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies
- 1432 Max Difference You Can Get From Changing an Integer
- 1433 Check If a String Can Break Another String