
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Sinhala Song Search

CS4642 - Data Mining & Information Retrieval


  • title - song title in English
  • artist - artist name in English
  • album - album name in English
  • releasedYear - released year of the song
  • lyricist - lyricist name in English
  • lyrics - song lyrics in Sinhala
  • metaphor - part of the song which contains a metaphor in Sinhala
  • meaning - meaning of the metaphor in English
  • source - source domain of the metaphor in English
  • target - target domain of the metaphor in English

Use cases

  • Searching songs using the Title, Artist, Lyricist, Album
  • Limiting search ( ex :- 2 songs of .... )
  • Search songs by metaphors ( ex :- metaphors for girl )
  • Search songs by metaphor meaning ( ex :- meaning beautiful girl )


  • Tokenization
    • Whitespace tokenizer - The text being analyzed will be split into tokens (individual words) based on whitespace. It means that any sequence of whitespace characters (such as spaces, tabs, or line breaks) will be used as delimiters between tokens in the text.
    • Edge n-gram filter - Breaks the text down into n-grams of a given size, with n-grams created from the start (front) of the text. Here, the min_gram is set to 4 and max_gram is set to 18. This means that the tokenizer will break down the text into n-grams of size 4 to 18 and only create n-grams from the start (front) of the text. This filter can be used to improve search performance for prefix matching queries.
  • Stop word filtering
    • A custom filter is used for stop word handling. Apart from the default english stop words used by Elasticsearch it is customized to remove certain common stop words that are relevant to the application. he ignore_case option is set to true which means that the filter will match the words in the stopwords array regardless of the case.
  • Field boosting
    • Certain keywords and named entities have been used to boost the relevant fields such that they count more towards the relevance score of the query.
      • Using words like 'written' in the search will boost the lyricist field.
      • Using words like 'sung', 'performed' will boost the artist field.
      • Using words like 'metaphors' in the search will boost the source and the target fields.
      • Using words like 'meaning' will boost the meaning field.
      • Using names in the named entity set will boost the artist and/or the lyricist fields accordingly. For example using the word 'Bathiya' in the search query will boost the artist field.