
SWIB 2018 Introduction to Linked Open Data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SWIB 2018 Introduction to Linked Open Data Workshop

Welcome to the open repository, documentation and materials for the SWIB 2018 Introduction to Linked Open Data (LOD) Workshop. Please feel free to reuse, fork, extend, open issues / questions on, or whatever with this workshop information.

This workshop is built off of the work of Felix Ostrowski (@literarymachine) and Adrian Pohl (@acka47). See their previous workshop details here: https://github.com/literarymachine/lod-workshop.

This workshop was enhanced and expanded by Jana Hentschke (@jentschk), Uldis Bojārs (Twitter: @CaptSolo ; GitHub: @captsolo) and Huda Khan (Twitter: @hudajkhan ; GitHub: @hudajkhan), who have facilitated this workshop in the past.

Table of Contents

Workshop Abstract

This introductory workshop aims to introduce the fundamentals of linked data technologies on the one hand, and the basic issues of open data on the other. The RDF data model will be discussed, along with the concepts of dereferenceable URIs and common vocabularies. The participants will continuously create and refine RDF documents about themselves as well as engage in linking their RDF documents to those of other participants to strengthen their knowledge of how linked data operates. Based on the data created, the advantages of modeling in RDF and publishing linked data will be shown. On a side track, Open Data principles will be introduced, discussed and applied to the content that is being created during the workshop.


Workshop Schedule

Time Workshop Topic
13:00 - 13:15 General Workshop Introduction
13:15 - 14:00 RDF Introduction: Create Your Graph
14:00 - 14:30 Linked Data Introduction: Link Your Graph
14:30 - 15:30 Linked Data & Semantic Web: Expand Your Graph
15:30 - 16:00 30 minute break, cake in foyer
16:00 - 16:15 Linked Open Data & Licensing: License Your Graph
16:15 - 17:15 Linked Data Experimentation: SPARQL & Visualization
17:15 - 18:00 Linked Data Examples, Resources & Questions

Participant Requirements

Participants are strongly recommended (but not required) to bring laptops with internet connection and modern web browser (e.g. use Chrome or Firefox). We are working to have a space that supports group work (so be prepared to take part and move around). If you have any questions about or issues with the requested set-up, please contact us using the communication methods detailed below.

Our Expectations of You

To keep this workshop a safe and inclusive space, we ask that you review and follow the the Recurse Center Social Rules (aka Hacker School Rules).

Contact Before, During, After the Workshop

If you have questions or concerns leading up to or after the workshop, you can get in touch in a number of ways:

  • If you feel comfortable doing so, please open an issue on this GitHub repository, particularly with any questions dealing with workshop preparation, questions, or any preparation issues. This allows multiple workshop leaders to respond as able, and other participants can also learn (since we're sure the same questions will come up multiple times): https://github.com/cmh2166/SWIB18LODintro/issues (this will require that you login or create a free account with GitHub).
  • Alternatively, you can email all the workshop facilitators with questions if you feel uncomfortable using GitHub.
  • If you prefer chat or instant messaging, you are also invited to join the #swib channel on the open LD4 Slack. Public sign-up link for LD4 Slack: https://ld4-slack.herokuapp.com/ (Note: joining this Slack channel is not required).

During the workshop, we will indicate the best ways to get help or communicate a question/comment - however, this workshop is intended to be informal, so feel free to speak up or indicate you have a question at any time.