
Mozilla Moderator App

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Mozilla Moderator

Code CI

Mozilla Moderator is a panel moderation webapp that enables users to view, vote and ask questions on different events.

Then panel moderators can export the questions and use them during panel discussions and Q&A.


All mozmoderator source files are made available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL).

Frontend testing

Use npm to install the necessary tools. If you use docker for development this step is not necessary.

npm -g install bower gulp-cli

Use bower to download all Frontend libraries.

bower install

Install all required packages.

npm install

Finally use gulp to check in all main static files and run the tests.



This application is currently run through integration and deploy pipelines via both GitHub Actions & a background Kubernetes Flux & Kustomize setup.

Through those workflows, a Docker image is built, tagged (based on the latest git commit SHA), pushed to ECR, and deployed either to a staging or production environment in our k8s-apps-prod-us-west-2 Kubernetes cluster.

The pipelines work as followed:

CI & Docker Builds:

  1. (manual) create your feature branch on this repository & add your work;
  2. (manual) push your feature branch up to GitHub;
  3. (automated) upon push, GitHub Actions will: a. run linting & syntax checks on the code; b. build the Docker image & tag it with the short git commit SHA of the latest commit; c. push that Docker image to our ECR repository for Moderator (this may be removed from the non-master branch commits, fyi);
  4. (manual) create a PR from your feature branch to the master branch, have it reviewed, then merged into master;
  5. (automated) Upon merge into master, GitHub Actions will: a. run linting & syntax checks on the code; b. build the Docker image & tag it with the short git commit SHA of the latest commit; c. push that Docker image to our ECR repository for Moderator;

Stage Deploy: 6. (manual) pull the Docker image from step 5 down, test locally as desired, & when ready to deploy to stage, edit kubernetes/stage/deployment.yaml#21, only replacing that docker image tag with the tag for the image from step 5. 7. (manual) push the work from step 6 up & create a PR into master; 8. (automated): upon push & PR, GitHub Actions will: a. run linting & syntax checks on the code; b. build yet another Docker image & tag it with the short git commit SHA of the latest commit (just ignore this for k8s deployment purposes); c. push that Docker image to our ECR repository for Moderator (again, just ignore this for k8s deployment purposes); 9. (manual): review the PR, approve/edit, & merge into master. 10. (automated): upon merge into master, GHA will do all of the above, and Flux will: a. Apply the manifests found in the kubernetes/ directory; b. as there will be a change in those manifests for the stage application (our new docker image tag), kubernetes will pull that image down and redeploy the application.

Production Deploy: 6. (manual) test / QA the stage deploy as desired, & when ready to deploy to stage, edit kubernetes/prod/deployment.yaml#21, only replacing that docker image tag with the tag for the image from the stage deployment. 7. (manual) push the work from step 6 up & create a PR into master; 8. (automated): upon push & PR, GitHub Actions will: a. run linting & syntax checks on the code; b. build yet another Docker image & tag it with the short git commit SHA of the latest commit (just ignore this for k8s deployment purposes); c. push that Docker image to our ECR repository for Moderator (again, just ignore this for k8s deployment purposes); 9. (manual): review the PR, approve/edit, & merge into master. 10. (automated): upon merge into master, GHA will do all of the above, and Flux will: a. Apply the manifests found in the kubernetes/ directory; b. as there will be a change in those manifests for the production application, (our new docker image tag), kubernetes will pull that image down and redeploy the application.

Moderator Docker Registry Manual Access

In case you want to view or manually push Moderator Docker images to our Production ECR Registry, members of the MozilliansOrg Group mozilla-moderators-dev should be able to do the following steps:

# log into that mozilla-moderators-dev group via MAWS
$ maws -r arn:aws:iam::783633885093:role/moderator-devs

# docker login to that moderator registry
$ aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 783633885093.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/moderator

# interact with Moderator docker images either via AWS CLI or docker
$ aws ecr list-images --repository-name moderator
$ docker pull 783633885093.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/moderator:379b95c7