Performance analysis of Docker and Firecracker running ML inferences


  • To deploy a ML inference on a Firecracker VM.
  • To deploy same ML inference model using Docker.
  • Compare the performance of the ML inference model in Docker and Firecracker.

1. Docker

1.1 Build a Docker Image

To build a Docker image, a base image is necessary, onto which all the required dependencies and libraries can be installed. We intend to deploy a DeepSpeech ASR model, that can transcribe a given audio file. A base image, Python:3.9 and other required libraries and files are specified in the Dockerfile to build the image.

The contents of the Dockerfile is listed below

FROM python:3.9

RUN wget && \
   tar -zxvf audio-0.9.3.tar.gz && \
   rm audio-0.9.3.tar.gz
RUN wget && \
   tar -zxvf models_0.9.tar.gz && \
   rm models_0.9.tar.gz
COPY . /

RUN pip3 install deepspeech

# to run deepspeech:
CMD deepspeech --model ./models/deepspeech-0.9.3-models.pbmm --scorer ./models/deepspeech-0.9.3-models.scorer --audio ./audio/4507-16021-0012.wav

Once Dockerfile is created, run the following commands from the same directory, naming the docker image as ds:1.2

sudo docker build -t ds:1.2 .

1.2 Start Docker Container

Once the Docker image is created, you can check the list of images that can be used by Docker to run the containers using the command

sudo docker images

The Docker container is created using these docker images. There are two ways to run a container, either using the run or create and start commands. To create and start the container, use the command

sudo docker run ds:1.2

To only create a container, and not starting it , use

sudo docker create ds:1.2

To start already created containers, (use the container id from sudo docker ps -a)

sudo docker start <container-id>

1.3 Running ASR Inference

  • To run a container and get into interactive bash
sudo docker run -it --entrypoint bash --rm ds:1.2

Restrict the resources to be used for running the container using the command

sudo docker run -m 2GB --cpus 2.0 -it --entrypoint bash --rm ds:1.2

  • Once inside the container, you can run deepspeech for any audio files inside the directory /test-audios using the command
deepspeech --model ./models/deepspeech-0.9.3-models.pbmm --scorer ./models/deepspeech-0.9.3-models.scorer --audio ./test_audios/8555-292519-0009.wav 

or run the file specifying the audio file and number time to run the inference

python 8555-292519-0009.wav 2

To exit from the container, type exit

2. Firecracker

2.1 Create a firecracker VM

Ignite supports OCI images to run as a firecracker VM. The docker image is saved and imported to be used as ignite images

sudo docker save ds:1.1 | sudo ctr -n firecracker image import -
sudo ignite image import ds:1.1

The firecracker vm can be created with specific reousrces defined during the command

sudo ignite run ds:1.0 --cpus 2 --memory 2GB --ssh --name my-vm

This method actually uses ignite to boot up the imported docker image as the firecracker VM

Once VM is started, you can get into the terminal

sudo ignite attach my-vm

The deepspeech is already installed and can be used to perform inference. mount proc /proc -t proc is set before running the inference.

Any running Vm's can be killed and removed using sudo ignite rm my-vm

2.2 Running ASR inference

  • To run the Firecracker VM,
sudo ignite run ds:1.2 --cpus 2 --memory 2GB  --name my-vm 
  • Once inside the VM, you can run deepspeech for any audio files inside the directory /test-audios using the command
deepspeech --model ./models/deepspeech-0.9.3-models.pbmm --scorer ./models/deepspeech-0.9.3-models.scorer --audio ./test_audios/8555-292519-0009.wav 

or run the file specifying the audio file and number time to run the inference

python 8555-292519-0009.wav 2

or run the file with number time to run the inference of all the audios in dir test_audios

python 3

To exit from the container, type exit

3 Performance Analysis

No. Task Details Docker Firecracker
1 Import time import deepspeech 0.411s 0.142s
2 Single instance inference time deepspeech ... 11.526s -
2 (8555-292519-0009.wav) model load time 0.012s 0.186s
2 (17.965s) inference time 8.452s 57.445s
3 Single instance inference-1 python 101.257s 79.801s
3 (1221-135766-0010.wav) model load time 0.012s 0.015s
3 (15.050s) inference time 32.663s 19.246s
3 Single instance inference-2 model load time 0.021s 0.014s
3 (1221-135766-0010.wav) inference time 7.294s 6.412s
3 **Single instance inference ** model load time avg 0.012s avg 0.015s
3 (3rd-10th time) inference time avg 7.158s avg 6.418s
4 Multiple instance inference python 256.818s 202.987s
4 (12 audios) model load time avg 0.012s avg 0.015s
5 Multiple instance inference python 438.088s 376.980s
5 (12 audios, 3 times) model load time avg 0.012s avg 0.015s

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  • To conclude, the inference of the ML models usually make use of large pre-trained models stored in cloud. To be able to perform inference on edge devices completely without using cloud resources, these pre-trained model has to be stored in local edge devices for low latency inferences. This scenario is imitated and inference was done locally without network connectivity. Due to the resource contraints of the host machine, containers with ML frameworks like torch were not created. For Deepspeech inference, both Docker and Firecracker VM performs reasonably well, even though Firecracker VM is better than the other. However, deepspeech inferences in Firecracker VM are executed in less time than in the Docker container.

Whats Next ?

  • Run different ML frameworks to compare performance effectively.
  • Deploy ML model with web application in Docker and firecracker VM in AWS EC2 instance.
  • Run multiple applications or overload to benchmark the bottleneck of Docker and Firecracker VM.
  • Use Prometheus to monitor the resource utilization and visualization using Grafana can be done.
  • Deloy a ML model on Nvidia Jetson and compare the performances.ep