
Run Open Source Routing Machine locally, pre-populated with New Zealand OpenStreetMap data.

Primary LanguageLua

Open Source Routing Machine with New Zealand OpenStreetMap

A simple Docker container with an Open Source Routing Machine backend and basic front-end, pre-populated with New Zealand OpenStreetMap data from Geofabrik.

To get things up and running, open a shell and execute:

docker-compose up -d

The service will be running at http://localhost:5001, and the UI at http://localhost:9966. It's relatively easy to get nice URLs via NGINX by adding location directives as follows (you'll need to update the OSRM_BACKEND environment variable in docker-compose.yml to https://<host>/osrm/ or similar):

server {


  location /osrm/ {

  location /osrm-frontend/ {

